Thursday, July 24, 2008

What Are B Complex Vitamins

What Are B Complex Vitamins

There are eight vitamins that make up the vitamin B complex:

1. Thiamine or Vitamin B1

2. Riboflavin or Vitamin B2

3. Niacin or Vitamin B3

4. Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6

5. Cobalamine or Vitamin B12

6. Choline

7. Inositol

8. Para-amino benzoic

Much discussion has surrounded the B complex vitamins benefit to the human body. The eight vitamins that make up the B complex each have a specific function to perform in the human body. In the B complex vitamin all eight individual vitamins help maintain a healthy human body.

Since the B complex vitamin is water soluble they must be taken daily. The reason for this is because water soluble vitamins are difficult to restore in the body.

The age of an individual will determine how much vitamin B complex they will take. There are several good benefits you can receive by taking vitamin B complex. Nervousness and pressure can be lessened if you take vitamin B complex. If you suffer from tiredness this can be reduced by taking vitamin B complex. In addition, a regular intake of vitamin B complex can help individuals recover sooner from sickness.

In addition, your bodies appearance can benefit from a regular intake of vitamin B complex. You will grow healthier hair with B complex vitamins. There are also skin creams that will help your skin condition which contain vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex can also be used to help treat dermatitis.

Monday, July 21, 2008

What does natural and organic mean on a cosmetic label

What does natural and organic mean on a cosmetic label

What does 'natural' and 'organic' mean on a cosmetic label?
Nowhere do the terms "natural" or "organic" take a more gratuitous bruising than the cosmetics industry! Here we hope to clarify some basic differences between Miessence and others....

Miessence definition of natural:
"Existing in, or formed by nature; not artificial."
Commercial definition of natural: "Any ingredient "derived from" a natural substance."

Explanation: We often see long chemical names followed by the phrase "derived from coconut oil". For example, to create cocamide DEA from coconut oil requires the use of a carcinogenic synthetic chemical (diethanolamine - DEA). It is therefore no longer natural (or safe). To insinuate that it is a natural substance by adding the phrase "derived from coconut oil" is deceitful. Just because vodka can be made from potatoes, doesn't mean it's good for you!

Miessence definition of organic:
"Grown, cultivated and stored without the use of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, fumigants and other toxins."
Commercial definition of organic: "Any compound containing carbon."

Explanation: The organic chemistry definition of organic, is any compound containing carbon. Carbon is found in anything that has ever lived. So, by using this definition of organic we could say that the toxic petrochemical preservative, methyl paraben is "organic" because it was formed by leaves that rotted over thousands of years to become the crude oil used to make this toxic preservative.

What is Organic Food

What is Organic Food

Using the label "organic" to distinguish one tomato from another is a big stretch from the word's original meaning, for until the middle of the twentieth century it simply meant something living or derived from living matter. In that sense, the idea of an "inorganic tomato" is a contradiction in terms, unless it is, say, a tomato-shaped glass ornament. With very few exceptions -- salt is one -- all our food is "organic" no matter how it is produced.

The specific sense of "organic" we use when we speak of "organic food" today traces back to 1942, when J. I. Rodale launched a magazine called Organic Gardening. Nowadays Rodale is hailed as a pioneer, but then he was often derided as a crank and a throwback to obsolete ways of farming. He advocated maintaining soil fertility and stability by putting organic matter -- animal manure or compost -- back into the soil rather than relying on the "inorganic," or synthetic, fertilizers that were then widely seen as the modern way to go. So in Rodale's usage, it was the fertilizers, and from them, the farming methods, rather than the food, that were organic, and the concern was primarily with the soil, not with issues like biodiversity or animal welfare. But the meaning of "organic farming" soon parted company from Rodale's original narrow distinction between fertilizers. Varying definitions spun out of control as different associations of "organic farmers" tried to set standards in accordance with their own values. Some wanted to stick with a narrow definition in terms of what you could and could not put on the soil, the crops, or the animals. Others wanted to include an entire way of life, including healthy living, an equitable form of distribution, concern for wildlife, and so on. Among organizations of organic farmers around the world, the broader view prevailed. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements settled on this definition:

Organic agriculture is an agricultural system that promotes environmentally, socially, and economically sound production of food, fiber, timber, etc. In this system, soil fertility is seen as the key to successful production. Working with the natural properties of plants, animals, and the landscape, organic farmers aim to optimize quality in all aspects of agriculture and the environment.

Such a definition does not, however, lend itself to being reduced to a label that can be put on products to show that they were produced organically. Without specific standards that could be encapsulated in a label, consumers were often unsure what the various "organic" labels used by different associations and producers really meant.

In 1990, the U.S. Congress decided to clear up the confusion by authorizing the Department of Agriculture to establish legally enforceable "USDA Organic" standards and a certification scheme so that consumers could be confident that their food really had been produced in accordance with the standards. That led, in 2002, to a set of standards that most people in organic farming considered a reasonable compromise among the various views of what organic farming is all about. Crops must be grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, and most synthetic pesticides and all herbicides are also banned, although biological and botanical methods of control can be used. Soil fertility is to be maintained by the use of animal and plant waste (but not sewage sludge, which can contain toxic heavy metals), crop rotation, and growing "cover crops" like clover between other crops. (Cover crops are plowed into the soil to restore nitrogen and organic matter.) Animals used for meat, eggs, or milk must eat organic grains or other organic food and must not be given growth hormones or antibiotics. (Sick or injured animals may be treated with antibiotics, but then their meat, milk, or eggs cannot be sold as organic.) Organically raised animals must have access to the outdoors, including access to pasture for ruminants. Neither plants nor animals can be the product of genetic engineering, and organic food cannot be irradiated.

Reprinted from: The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter by Peter Singer and Jim Mason © 2006 Peter Singer and Jim Mason. (May 2006; $25.95US/$34.95CAN; 1-57954-889-X) Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling (800) 848-4735 or visit their website at

What the Hoodia Weight Loss Industry Can Learn From the Trimspa Case

What the Hoodia Weight Loss Industry Can Learn From the Trimspa Case

TrimSpa found itself being investigated by the FTC after its popular advertising campaign claimed that the late Anna Nicole Smith had lost 69 pounds after using TrimSpa's signature product, TrimSpa X32. During its investigation, the FTC found that the ads didn’t explain that Anna Nicole was paid — and more importantly, the TrimSpa claims were not backed up by any scientific research.

The FTC ultimately brought a case against TrimSpa and it was announced in January of 2007 that TrimSpa settled with the FTC for $1.5 million. In addition, TrimSpa was banned from making any further claims about the "health benefits, performance, efficacy, safety or side effects" of Trimspa’s supposed miracle ingredient, hoodia gordonii, unless it came up with some evidence.

Although hoodia is extremely popular today, very few people actually know much about it. As a result, there are many companies out there who are taking advantage of this and are marketing hoodia gordonii as some kind of miracle weight loss pill. Despite all the hype, all hoodia gordonii does is suppress appetite. It does not burn fat, increase metabolism, or "magically" melt the fat away.

All these claims being thrown around have really got the FTC's attention, as shown by the TrimSpa case. The TrimSpa case is sure to be just the beginning of more cases to come. The hoodia industry is in complete disarray right now. Most companies are exaggerating what hoodia gordonii can do. Certainly, TrimSpa is not the only one. Even more disturbing than all these exaggerated claims is the authenticity of the hoodia diet pills that are sold today.

A consumer advocacy group did a study in 2006 where 17 of the most popular hoodia brands were tested for authenticity. Only six brands were shown to have authentic hoodia gordonii! That's a shocking statistic when you consider the failure rate was slightly higher than 60%.

So just what does all this mean to the hoodia weight loss industry?

It means there could be a dramatic change in the landscape of the hoodia industry if the TrimSpa case is any indication. Currently, almost every company that sells and markets hoodia diet pills exaggerates to some extent what hoodia gordonii can actually do. Furthermore, the majority of the hoodia diet pills on the market today contain very little, if any, hoodia gordonii.

The crackdown by the FTC on such prominent companies as TrimSpa is good news for the consumer. With future cases that are certain to be brought about by the FTC, companies will have no choice but to straighten up their act or face stiff fines or possibly be forced to quit selling their hoodia products all together.

The only companies left standing will be those who are honest about what hoodia gordonii can do and who sell authentic hoodia gordonii. We may be surprised to find only a few left standing given the current state of the hoodia weight loss industry!

What to Do When Given Wine to Test in a Restaurant

What to Do When Given Wine to Test in a Restaurant

Restaurants (especially good ones) are in the habit of pouring a small glass of wine to the 'head' of the table to test it. Usually what follows is an embarrasing charade in which the tester takes a sip of the wine, nods meekly to the waiter or waitress and says 'that's lovely, thanks.' But Why do restaurants do this and what is the proper way to respond?
Many people think that it is to give you a chance to check that you like the wine and send it back if you don't. But this has nothing to do with it - no restaurant is going to open an expensive bottle only for you to say it's not to your taste and can they open another for you! In fact, it is to give you a chance to confirm that the wine has not been corked. It is estimated that one in twenty bottles of wine (throughout the price range) are corked, and and it effectively ruins a wine.
What is a corked wine?
A corked wine is not one that has bits of cork floating in it - that is just due to a crumbly cork and won't affect the flavor. Corked wine has been stopped with a mouldy cork, which leaves a musty, dank smell and flavor in the wine. It cannot be predicted, and it is not the fault of the grower - it is simply due to the unreliability of cork, one of the reasons behind the move toward screw caps.
How do you tell if a wine is corked?
This is pretty easy. A fully corked wine will smell pretty awful and taste bad. A mild case of corking will flatten and deaden the fruity qualities of the wine. If you're not sure if a wine is corked, swish it around the glass, as contact with the air oxidises the wine and exagerrates the corking effect. Wine can also be over-oxidised if it has been exposed to air or stored in a warm location. As a result it will smell nutty and look faded and brown.
What should you do if your wine is corked?
When given a wine to test, give it a quick sniff, and a taste if necessary, and if it is bad, don't be afraid to say 'sorry, but I think this wine is corked'. It is not the restaurant's fault, but it is their responsibility, and they should be happy to replace it on confirmation of your suspicions.
So there you go. No more awkward wine testing moments, and you can impress your dining guests with your knowledge of wine. Learn more about wine at How to Wine.

When Foods Become

When Foods Become

Can our daily diet cure everything from cancer to PMS?

Superfoods give health and wellness consumers everything we need for a shot of essential nutrients in an edible form There's also that hint of the exotic which appeals to a market willing to experiment with fun new foods.

Our appetite for superfoods is never ending. Barely have you managed to track down a good source of the latest superfood when it seems it has been taken over by another. Pomegranates are already yesterday's news (forget about blue-green algae): the latest superfood is the Goji Berry.

If you have not yet heard of goji, you are not alone. While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.

This little red fruit has been described in taste as a cross between a cherry and a cranberry and loaded with nutrients. Goji berries contain up to 21 trace minerals (the main ones being zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus).

Goji berries are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth! They contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges making them second only to camu camu berries as the richest vitamin C source on earth. Goji berries also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E.

Goji berries contain 18 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids!

World famous Dermatologist to the stars, Dr. Howard Murad uses goji berries in several off his products. A viable source of many vitamins, minerals and amino acids, Goji Berries are the perfect ingredient to meet Dr. Murad's high standards. Working triple duty, this amazing fruit contains the three needed components for the "Murad recipe": antiinflammatories, antioxidants, and hydrators. Featured in Dr. Murad's newest innovation, Redness Therapy Goji Berry helps to calm rosacea-like symptoms, sensitivity, irritation, and redness.

Dr. Murad is the first skincare expert to utilize the abundant nutrients of the Goji berry in topical skincare products. His innovative formulas combine the best of science, along with this antioxidantrich fruit and other natural ingredients, to combat redness, soothe skin, and relieve the symptoms that result from environmental damage.

Dr. Murad call the Goji Berry the most nutritionally dense food on the the planet. He also recommends using the Goji Berry to fight cellulite, calling the little red berry his "cellulite assassin".

With all the evidence, ask your doctor which superfoods will work best to combat heart disease, allieviate osteoarthritis, normalise the pH of your stomach and prevent cancer and you'll probably be answered with a raised eyebrow.

A true superfood provides a concentrated, usable form of nourishment to cells which suppport our immune systems, our hormones, our weight and our aging processes".

As for the Goji Berry, Pharmacist and Best Selling Author of "The Vitamin Bible", Dr. Earl Mindell says "Goji has more powerful benefits on health, well-being and anti-aging than any other product I've seen in the last 40 years."

In fact, Dr. Mindell was so convinced of the health benefits of Goji Berries, that he spent nearly 10 years bringing a high quality, nutrient rich, unpasteurized Himalayan Goji Juice to market.

Why Need Special Diets

Why Need Special Diets

You can need special diets for any number of reasons and these can go from medical to just because you want to. Medically needed special diets requires you to stick very closely to your regime and allows almost no deviation from it. If you're going on a special diet for religious reasons then you'll still need to stick to your diet rigorously but in this case you will be your own supervisor. If you deviate from this diet then it hurts you in a spiritual way with which you will need to come to terms.

For some people this spiritual hurt will bear more weight with them than any physical hurt they might get if they go off their medically required special diets. If you're already on spiritual special diets and you also need to have medical special diets as well, you might run into some turmoil and conflict. If your body dictates one message but your faith another one, then what can you do? Do you go in for the special diets that will heal you spiritually or do you go in for the special diets that will heal you physically?

It's a tough question but one that you've got to answer for yourself. Most times however, a compromise can be reached and you can work out some special diets that will ultimately suit both your physical and spiritual sides.

Then again if you just need medical special diets for whatever it is that ails you, you will have to stick to a strict dietary regime and not deviate from your course. This way only leads to disaster.

If you're pregnant sometimes you might be needing special diets to suit the needs of the moment. These diets rarely last after you've delivered your baby, but you might need to be careful about some foods and curtail your diet in some ways thereafter.

The reason that I needed to go in for a range of special diets was for my weight problem. I was overweight and needed to curtail my eating habits. Nothing would work for me, and all the other diets that I went on never seemed to be quite what they said they were. Sure they worked for some time, but after a short while I would go off the diet and gain back weight. By going for special diets I was able to regain my normal weight with a minimum of fuss.

Special diets can work wonders for you if you try them too. No guarantees, and no signed confessions telling you that special diets are what you need most in your life. But if you have a need for it talking over the possibility of getting special diets for yourself with your nutritionist is the first step.

Why Vegetarian Nutrition Stands Out

Why Vegetarian Nutrition Stands Out

A vegetarian diet is considered to be the best among all types of diets. Many studies can prove this claim. A Columbia University study has shown that the human body’s structure is actually not suited for animal meat consumption. It was found that the small and large intestines of carnivores are both short. Humans, however, have small and large intestines that are long.

When humans consume meat, especially in huge proportions, it stays in the intestines for longer periods, which can decay and lead to the formation of toxins. These toxins have been found to be trigger diseases such as colon and rectal cancer, liver and kidney problems and many others. Excessive consumption of meat can also increase saturated fat and cholesterol counts that can slow down the body’s metabolic functions, thus leading to cardiovascular problems.

Even when you think the meat has been inspected for cleanliness and safety, you can still never tell whether it is really free from disease carriers. Moreover, the presence of antibiotics, hormones and other drugs in animal produce can pose a serious threat to human health as well.

With a vegetarian diet, you may not have to worry about these possible health risks. Plant food is a direct source of more nutrients compared to animal food. Especially when vegetarian diets are well planned, you can be sure that you will be getting proper nutrition that you need, which is necessary for good health.

Too often, it has become a common misconception that nutrition from meat consumption is better than vegetarian nutrition, which may not always be the case. In fact, a study in Yale University showed that vegetarians have more endurance than those who eat meat. Vegetarians can still get adequate amounts of protein by increasing intake of wheat, whole grains and vegetables without ever resorting to meat.

Moreover, the nutrition that a vegetarian diet provides can give you a leaner physique, a healthier body, a sharper focus, which in totality can lead to a better quality of life. In fact, vegetarians are known to live longer lives than meat eaters. Of course, while modern science may have already introduced approaches to prolonging life, perhaps nothing can top up with the health benefits that a vegetarian diet can give.

Above all else, your health should be your topmost priority. Without it, you may never live your life at its best. Now that you know what vegetarian nutrition can give you and why it is the best option for your health, all you need to do is to make the switch.

Why you Should Drink Green Tea

Why you Should Drink Green Tea

In the Asian nations green teas has been enjoyed for a long time for a number of reasons, including both taste and health. The western world and the medical community have recently started to recognize the many benefits of choosing to drink green tea. The great reasons to drink tea are discussed briefly below.

Reason #1: A Vacation from the Ordinary

Each day most Americans consume at least a few cups of coffee. In the supermarket today there are countless different flavors available, although sometimes you will want to truly escape from the ordinary. Green tea might just be the change you want with its grassy flavor and sweet, nutty aroma.

Reason #2: Green Tea Chock Full of Antioxidants

For centuries green teas has been drunk and enjoyed for its healing properties. The western medical world is beginning to see why with the advances of science. Since green tea contains antioxidants it is a great reason to drink it. These antioxidants have been proven to help in the growth of healthy cells and increase the energy needed for daily life activities.

Reason #3: Escape the Caffeine Jitters

Caffeine jitters can result for some people who drink coffee. Everyone experiences at some point the bodies feeling after a last cup of coffee when it start to shake as if in preparation for liftoff. This is why many have decided to give up coffee altogether. Green tea is a great reason for these consumers since it is a different, milder form of caffeine. When it comes to the jitters caused by caffeine most green teas that aren't decaffeinated seem to have a milder effect. There isn't an exact known reason for this, but for many it is easier to stay awake during the business day by drinking green tea.

In the list of reasons to drink green tea these are just a few. Depending on your personal taste preference and why kind of health benefits you want there may be many other benefits of green tea. Green tea will help you feel better and more inclined to face the day no matter what your reasons are.

Younger Looking Skin - Simple Tips to Hold Back the Years

Younger Looking Skin - Simple Tips to Hold Back the Years

If you want to keep your skin in great condition and get younger looking skin, it's a lot easier and less expensive than you may think.

You don't need expensive beauty creams, you can simply follow the tips below and you will have great looking younger skin, thats radiant and glowing.

1. Protect

It doesn't what day cream you use, for younger looking skin you need to have one that has an SPF 15 level of protection.

This goes for days when the sun is not high in the sky.

Sun damage is the major cause of premature skin aging.

You don't need expensive creams.

One that has SPF 15 for the day and for the night, simply one that you feel comfortable with and is absorbed easily into your skin type, is all you need.

You can spend a few dollars, to several hundred dollars on skin creams, however there will be little difference between them in terms of protecting your skin.

One of the biggest myths of all is nourishing the skin from the outside.

The stories are great and sound convincing, but it's a shame they don't work!

If you want to nourish your skin you do it from the inside.

The foods you eat are important. Don't fall for the hype of the multi billion pound advertising of eternal youth from a pot of cream.

2. Foods to keep your skin young

Multigrain bread

To get plenty of selenium to zap free radicals, which when they get into the body can break down collagen.

Other good foods are shrimps, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds.


Oats contain silicic acid that is responsible for making the spongy like cells that lie between collagen and the elastin fibres of the skin.

This plumps up the skin making it look more youthful and are great for holding back fine lines.

Alternatives are whole grain wheat, Alfalfa the latter which is a popular supplement.

Goji berries & Muesli

The former contains lots of vitamin C (as do other berries) but these contain 500 times more vitamin C gram for gram than oranges, so you get a potent dose and finally, Muesli for Vitamin E.

These vitamins are great for zapping free radicals and protecting the skin naturally from sun damage.

Other good foods for vitamin C are (other berries as stated above) oranges and grapefruit.

For Vitamin E look for sweet potatoes, Sunflower seeds spinach and avocado or you can take evening primrose oil.

As a general rule you should get at least 3 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

Great meats

Get plenty of oily fish and aim for 5 servings per week.

Great sources include: Mackerel, salmon, sardines, herrings and salmon.

These fish contain omega 3. This essential fat helps form prostaglandins which are responsible for keeping the skin subtle and hydrated.


Lean steak is great for supplying iron an essential nutrient. If you don't like steak, then you can have mackerel, sardines or dark turkey meat, as an alternative.


A great source of copper which is an essential mineral for the formation melatin which helps reduce the formation of age spots one of the tell tale signs of skin aging.

Beef, sardines, mussels, lobster and sunflower seeds are also good sources.

Last but not least

3. Drink water and lots of it

We can't live without it and it's essential to get plenty to hydrate your skin and flush out impurities. So get 2 3 litres a day.

Do the above and

Your skin will look younger and more radiant and you will delay the signs of aging.

One final note, the bulk of the work to keep your skin young comes from the inside, Not the outside.

So forget the miracle creams, nourish from the inside and protect with SPF from the outside and you will have beautiful, radiant, younger looking skin.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Atkins and Ketosis

The basic principle of the Atkins diet is that a state of ketosis will help you burn your fat stores as energy. Many people, even those who are on low carbohydrate diets, don’t quite understand ketosis and why it works.

Most diets are calorie-reduction diets. They help you lose weight, but some of the weight is from fat and some of it is from lean muscle tissue. While you may look smaller on the scale, your metabolism is actually slowing down. The more muscle you lose the slower your metabolism will be. This makes losing weight more difficult and gaining weight back even simpler.

The Atkins diet, on the other hand, is carbohydrate restrictive. It creates a state of ketosis in your body that burns only fat, and not muscle. The primary source of your energy for your body will be fat in the form of ketones. Your liver will convert fat into ketones and it cannot be converted back. It will be excreted naturally.

Ketones are actual a normally and efficient source of fuel for the human body. They are created in the liver from the fatty acids that result from the breakdown of body fat. These only appear when there is an absence of glucose and sugar. In the Atkins diet, you reduce the amount of glucose and sugar that is in the bloodstream. As a result, your body produces ketones for fuel. When your body is creating ketones it is called ketosis.

There is a common misconception that following a ketogenic diet like Atkins is dangerous. The truth is that being in ketosis is a completely naturally state. The human body creates ketones to use as fuel in the absence of glucose.

In the Atkins diet book, Dr. Atkins suggests using ketone-testing strips to determine your state of ketosis during dieting. These small plastic strips are held in the urine stream and contain a special chemically treated absorptive pad. This pad will change color if ketones are present in the urine. With the presence of ketones, the strip will change varying shades of pink to purple. There is a color scale on the label of the bottle that will help you determine your ketone levels.

Ketone strips are available in any pharmacy and can be found among the diabetic supplies. In some stores, they are kept behind the counter so you may have to ask for them. You won’t need a prescription to buy them though. Once you open a package of ketosis strips they have a shelf life of 6 months. It may be helpful to mark the opening date on the box.

Ketone strips will let you know if you are progressing correctly on the Atkins diet. If you are following the Induction plan to the letter and aren’t seeing purple, don’t worry. Some people never show trace amounts of ketones or they may show just above the minimum line. As long as you are losing weight and inches then you are successfully using ketones. Also, if you’ve just exercised a few hours before using the strips, you may not see purple.

Some dieters may mistakenly believe that a dark purple result on the testing strips means that they are losing weight faster. Actually, the darkest purple color is a sign of dehydration. It means that your urine is too concentrated and you need to drink water.

Ketones come from fat in the bloodstream, whether it is fat that you eat or fat that you burn. So if you eat a meal heavy in fat and then immediately use a testing strip, then you’ll see a dark purple result. Use the strips as a guide, but don’t get hung up on the color.

Reaching a state of ketosis is key to success on the Atkins diet and it as simple as eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. Make sure to follow the eating plan correctly and use the ketone testing strips as needed.

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Atkins and Sugar Cravings

Sugar is everywhere you look and it might pop up in some surprising places. Did you know that most whole grain breads have at least one form of sugar in them? We have a national sweet tooth epidemic. Even if you don’t eat a lot of sugary treats you may experience intense sugar cravings in the first few weeks of the Atkins diet. So many “healthy” carbohydrate foods have hidden sugars in them, your body may be experiencing withdrawal.

The problem with sugar is that your blood sugar is tied into your energy levels and your overall health. When your blood sugar is too low, you will experience intense cravings. High blood sugar is a result of eating high-sugar meals. When you eat concentrated sugar, your blood sugar will raise to high levels. Your pancreas thinks there is something wrong and then it secretes insulin to lower the blood sugar. As this happens more, you can create pre-diabetic conditions in your body as your pancreas becomes worn out and eventually cannot secrete insulin.

Fortunately, getting started on the Atkins diet plan can put a stop to this cycle. However, this doesn’t mean that sugar cravings go away automatically. Sugar products are everywhere and temptation is sometimes hard to fight.

The best way to approach sugar cravings is with planning. If you maintain a balance of protein, fat and fiber in your daily diet you will prevent blood sugar drops that lead to sugar cravings. Also, do not go too long between meals without eating. Snacks are an important part of keeping your blood sugar stable. Have some handy snacks like cheese, nuts, seeds and boiled eggs on hand with you so you can quickly stabilize your blood sugar without turning to sweet treats.

Sugar cravings can also be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. When you are low on magnesium, you will crave chocolate and other sweets. Zinc and chromium can also stave off sugar cravings. If you aren’t taking a good multivitamin supplement with these minerals, start immediately. If you are and you are still experiencing cravings, consider trying additional supplements of these nutrients.

Another tactic is to brush your teeth. Many Atkins dieters find that brushing their teeth or using Listerine breath strips can help with cravings. Both methods will numb your mouth and prevent you from wanting to eat. Drinking two large glasses of water can also help eliminate cravings. If your stomach is full, then you’ll be less likely to reach for a sugary treat.

Sometimes out of sight, out of mind is the best approach. If you find yourself overcome with cravings while you are at home, get outside and take a walk. The distraction will have you forgetting your sugar craving in no time. Calling a friend for support or logging into an Atkins support forum can also go a long way toward preventing you from succumbing to sugar cravings.

Having a low-carb version of your favorite treat is another good idea. You are less likely to feel deprived if you can have a satisfying low carb treat. There are a wide variety of low-carb products available on the market that can beat your sweet tooth. Low-carb yogurt, chocolate, ice cream and candy can all help you stay on the Atkins plan and still get something sweet to eat.

Sugar cravings are a reality of following the Atkins plan, but the previous tips will help you overcome them and stay committed to your weight loss efforts.

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Banish Baggy Eyes and Dark Circles

Do you wish to banish baggy eyes and dark circles around them? Think you need an expensive cream? Plastic surgery? Think again.

Our simple home remedy will cost you virtually nothing and you can have great results. You can really banish baggy eyes and dark circles.

How Did You Get Baggy Eyes? Dark Circles?

The bags and dark circles that you see under eyes can be the result of a number of things. First of all it may be (and often is) an inherited tendency. Next there are just people who are born with darker circles around their eye sockets.

Next they may be just part of the natural aging processes. Lack of restful sleep often results in bags and dark circles, and finally it may be due to environmental factors such as allergies, dehydration and crying. The truth is, the causes are not perfectly understood.

What is Technically Happening?

Aging causes our skin to get thinner. There is a break down of the lattice work under the skin formed by collagen fibers. This latticework acts to keep the skin tight and elastic.

Then, the thin skin, when seen in places without layers of fat (such as the skull or hands) gives a darker appearance...

With the skin around the eyes thinning, the blood vessels beneath and our own darker shadows of bone to begin to show through.

This may be worse due to genetic pre-disposition, but things like too much UV light and even smoking and worsen the effect.

Also a general lack of sleep or restful sleep is another culprit for baggy eyes and dark circles. It may have a lot to do with blood supply and oxygen in that area.

So, What Can be Done?

You may not be able to completely eliminate baggy eyes and dark circles, but you certainly can reduce them. Here are some real and effective tips to follow:

Drink plenty of fresh clean water daily and keep yourself hydrated

Take a 3mg tablet of melatonin (if your doctor agrees) each night, and try to get a more restful sleep Stop smoking

Wear refrigerated eye pack just before going to bed

Prepare a strong cup of tea with teabags, and then chill the bags with most of the water dripped out. Apply the teabags to closed eyes for 15 minutes during a nap or at the end of a long day.

Take collagen tablets, but consult your doctor to doses and frequency of such food supplements.

Consult your doctor if none of the above are helpful for you, as the problem may be related to something else that needs attention.

What you should not do is:

Do not use Preparation H. It can be very harmful

Do not buy expensive creams, as they do not work

Do not just cover the problem with makeup, and forget about it. Try to solve it, not hide it.

Do not assume plastic surgery is the only option. Leave the option of the knife as a last resort.

Remember, in many cases, its just your genetic disposition, and then not much of anything can eliminate the baggy eyes and dark circles, but certainly, some of the remedies we suggest can really help.

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Banning Trans Fats Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

Studies have shown that trans fats reduce our levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) and increase our levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol). All of which may be bad for your heart.

So cities across the US have either already banned trans fats from their restaurants or are considering doing so. All in the name of protecting the public health.

Also, many food companies are reformulating their foods to eliminate trans fats. But then they have to. Otherwise, they'll be portrayed as the bad guys trying to make a buck off the poor, unsuspecting public by poisoning us with their unhealthy foods.

The campaign to raise public awareness of the dangers of trans fats has led many consumers to believe that a ban will be healthy for them. So there are many people who are all for it.

But The Hype Has Just Begun

In fact, a recent study actually tried to link trans fats to infertility.

Even nutritionist Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, a professor at New York University, expressed skepticism about that conclusion in an article recently published on WebMD.

So are city governments justified in banning trans fats from our foods? Or are these local governments making a mistake because of all the anti-trans fat hype?

Regardless of how you feel about the government legislating what we eat, here's the problem.

Trans fats are being replaced in many foods by a new type of fat called interesterified fats.

But according to the results of a study published in the journal, Nutrition and Metabolism, interesterified fats may be even more dangerous for us than trans fats.

You see, interesterified fats also lower our levels of HDL (the good cholesterol). Just like trans fats. So there's still a heart health issue.

But Now There's A New Health Risk

Interesterified fats were found to significantly increase blood sugar and depress insulin. Which may increase your risk for diabetes. Or cause potential problems for you if you already have diabetes.

If you remember, trans fats replaced saturated fats years ago because saturated fats were supposed to be unhealthy. At the time, trans fats were believed to be healthier.

So much for that conclusion. But it gets worse.

These new interesterified fats were found to increase blood sugar by 20% more than good old saturated fats.

That was in a mere four weeks. Imagine what would happen over a longer period of time.

Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire

It seems like every time the food police insist on changing the type of fats found in our food, they introduce new and potentially more dangerous health risks for us.

If you're concerned about this new diabetes risk, you can check the ingredient list of your foods if it's available. Interesterified fats are labelled as "fully hydrogenated oil."

But maybe it's time to consider another course. Maybe we shouldn't be reformulating our foods after every study. And we certainly shouldn't be banning foods unless we're sure the alternatives are safer.

Most importantly, maybe it's time for the food police to get off their high horses and quit telling the rest of us how to eat. They don't exactly have a good track record.

Should We Stop The Trans Fat Bans Before It's Too Late?

I'm not arguing that trans fats are healthy. But I think it's a foolish mistake to reformulate all of our foods until more studies have been done. We need reasonable proof that we've found a safer alternative.

If you're concerned about the health risks from these new fats, you may want to get in touch with your local legislators. And stop the ban on trans fats until we know for sure that we aren't jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Basil – King of All Herbs a Healthy and Tasty Herb for All

The herb basil is used in cooking universally, and also for medicinal purposes. It’s a great herb and one everyone should consider using in their diet.

Lets look at why in greater detail.

Basil or ocimum basilicum is a member of the mint family, and is most likely a native of India.

The herb is steeped in history, and has a colorful cultural past.

The word basil is from the Greek, vassilios or king.

It got this name in Greek, supposedly as it was found growing besides the True Cross, which was discovered by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine and his mother Queen Eleni.

Culturally the basil plant has an interesting history.

The ancient Greeks considered it symbolically and it represented poverty and hatred.

The ancient Greeks portrayed this as an old hag carrying a basil plant.

When they planted it, they cursed it and used foul language as they believed it would not grow otherwise.

The ancient (and modern) Persians plant basil on graves, a custom that also is common in Malaysia.

Modern Egyptian women scatter the flowers of basil on graves and tombs. In fact the ancient Egyptians
believed that it basil given to the dying could open the gates of paradise for them.

Even today in many places of Europe, basil is placed in the hands of the dead to ensure a safe passing over.

In India, since very ancient times basil was placed in the mouth of the dying to ensure their destination
was to God.

The Romans, as the Greeks, abused basil as it was planted, thinking it would grow all the better for it. In modern day Italy, basil is a symbol for love (heart shaped leaves).

The Greek Orthodox Church (and others) use basil in the preparation of Holy Water, as it is believed it was found at Christ’s Tomb at His resurrection.

Basil’s Medicinal History and Beliefs

Jews believe (an enduring belief) that eating basil gives one strength when fasting.

For European folk medicine gives basil many qualities.

It is used as tonic for the skin, a treatment for all kinds of colds, bronchitis, and coughs.

It is used to treat gas attacks, the flu, gout, muscle aches, rheumatism (and fibromyalgia), insect bits, and sinusitis.

An infusion of the green herb in boiling water is good for all obstructions of the internal organs, arrests vomiting and nausea.

It is often used as an insect repellent.

In West Africa it is used to reduce fevers and the Japanese use it as a cold remedy.

As basil is both Aromatic and carminative, it is used for mild nervous disorders and even for the alleviation of fibromyalgia. (wandering body pains).

It is said the dried leaves, used as a snuff, can cure nervous headaches.

Basil’s reputation in the kitchen as a fresh herb additive to soups, salads and sauces are unequalled. The French call it the Royal Herb, and use it in many of their most famous dishes.

The Italians use it also in pasta sauces, and other sauces, but basil found its greatest cooking glory in the Pesto Sauce of Genova.

It is made exclusively of fresh basil leaves, olive oil, salt, two special cheeses and the seeds of the pine tree.

The sauce is now a favorite world-wide, known for its marvelous flavor and good health qualities.

Basil is not only a herb that does you good it also tastes good to so make sure you get plenty in your diet.

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Becoming a Vegan

Depending on one's level of commitment this can include not using certain medicines because they are tested for safety on animals. A Vegan will not buy or use animal products whether that’s a steak, an egg, bread with milk in it or leather shoes. The overall goal of veganism is to reduce animal suffering, environmental damage, hunger in the developing world and risks to our own health. Veganism takes all those advantages just a little further. For very many people concerned about any or all of these problems, it seems the natural step to take from vegetarianism.

Why do people choose to become Vegan?

Animal Welfare - Despite the common belief that drinking milk or eating eggs does not kill animals, commercially raised dairy cows and egg-laying chickens, whether factory-farmed or 'free range,' are slaughtered when their production rates decline, not to mention the appalling conditions to which they are kept. There is an ongoing debate on the finer points of what constitutes an animal product; The Vegan Society and most vegans include insect products such as honey in their definition as well.

The environment - Animal agriculture takes a devastating toll on the earth. It is an inefficient way of producing food, since feed for farm animals requires land, water, fertilizer, and other resources that could otherwise have been used directly for producing human food.

Health - The consumption of animal fats and proteins has been linked to heart disease, colon and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, and a number of other debilitating conditions. Cows' milk contains ideal amounts of fat and protein for young calves, but far too much for humans. According to Gill Langley, a Ph.D. in biology and author of Vegan Nutrition, "it is clear from the example of many thousands of vegans worldwide that a varied plant-based diet not only supports health and well-being but, additionally, can have positive health benefits" (Langley 1995). A vegan diet is protective against such major killers as heart disease and cancer.

Eating fewer animal products is a good choice for the environment and your conscious. Animal agriculture produces surprisingly large amounts of air and water pollution, and causes 80 percent of the world's annual deforestation. It also requires large amounts of water, and livestock worldwide consumes half the world's total grain harvest.

How Do I Know it’s Vegan?

When shopping, look out for the vegan society logo. It appears on thousands of animal free products that have been registered with The Vegan Society.

You will need to examine the packaging and labelling carefully of all non registered products to ensure that you avoid animal by-products such as gelatin and rennet which can be found in everyday items such as children's sweets.

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Benefits and deficiencies of Vitamins

Vitamins are compounds found in food, which help us to be fit and healthy. These organic compounds help in the functioning of the various metabolic systems of our body. Vitamins are found naturally in the various foods, which we consume and we can also obtain vitamins in the form of vitamin supplements. Vitamins also help to protect our body from diseases and infections. Vitamins are also essential for the formation of various enzymes and hormones of the body which control the metabolic activities such as digestion, circulation excretion etc. There are about eleven types of vitamins, which are essential for the human body. Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of our eye and it also acts as an anti oxidant preventing certain oxidizing chemical reactions, which cause harm to our body. Vitamin A can be obtained from green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrot, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya etc. The B group vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and biotin. These are essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system and for the conversion of food in to energy by the body. It is also essential for the proper functioning of various metabolic activities of our body. Vitamin B is available from whole grains, beans, fish, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, dry fruits, nuts, milk, egg, soy beans, etc. Vitamin B-12 can be obtained only from animal sources such as liver, egg, meat, cheeses etc. B group vitamins are essential for the amino acid metabolism, nitrogen metabolism, and for the healthy skin. Vitamin C can be obtained from citrus fruits such as lemon, sweet lime, oranges, grapes, grapefruit etc. Vitamin C is essential for the prevention of diseases and infection. It also helps in the absorption of iron. Vitamin D can be obtained from sunlight. It is essential for the bones and teeth. It is also needed for the growth of our body. Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant. It can be obtained from whole grains, asparagus, wheat germ, corn, green leafy vegetables and seeds.

If you do not take a proper nutritious diet then you may suffer from vitamin deficiency health problems. Lack of Vitamin A can cause problems related to eyesight such as night blindness. Insufficient Vitamin B can cause diseases like Beriberi, Anemia, poor resistance to diseases, etc. Lack of Vitamin C causes gum bleeding, weakness, loss of appetite, tiredness etc. Insufficient vitamin D causes deformation of bones and teeth. Deficiency of vitamins in food leads to poor health. An effective way of filling the nutritional gaps due to poor eating habits is the use of vitamin supplements. These vitamin supplements can help us to boost our immune system and to build up stamina.

It is always better to take vitamins as a whole from food sources rather than synthetic vitamins. Taking synthetic vitamins is more like taking half vitamin and our body treats natural and synthetic vitamin differently. It is very essential to provide our body with natural nutrients for protecting various organs and body functions. Our body needs whole vitamins, which are found naturally in the foods such as grains, vegetables and fruits rather than vitamin supplements. Our body utilizes the natural vitamin more efficiently than the synthetic vitamin.

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Benefits of Eating Organic Food

With people becoming more health conscious in recent years we are seeing a dramatic increase in the availability of organic foods. It's apparent there is increasing demand for these products as wider selections and more shelf space is being taken up in mainstream grocery stores for organics. In addition the number of health food stores continues to increase.

Does it really make a difference to eat organic food? I believe so and will explain the reasons why.

The main reason is organic food is totally free of pesticides, harmful additives, hormones and antibiotics. It also avoids the use of artificial flavors and additives.

Additives can affect the taste, color and aroma of foods.

Animals are routinely fed antibiotics and hormones and this in turn ends up in the meat and on our dinner table. The rationale behind this is that it speeds up animal growth. While this may be true, with people becoming more antibiotic resistant do we really need to have it end up in in our food?

Pesticides may not be as much of a concern on a fruit like a banana, with a heavy peel that is discarded, but it can be much more difficult to eliminate all traces of pesticides on fruits like strawberries, apples and blueberries.

Does organic food taste better? That obviously depends on the individual, but I think it does. I particularly notice a difference in the meat, and get better tasting gravies as well.

It only makes sense that food grown in good soil, ripened naturally by the sun, will be both tastier and healthier rather than non organics grown with chemicals and preservatives for longer shelf life and for storage. But the only way you can make this determination is to try it for yourself!

Eating organic food is good for for the environment. This takes farming back to basics, the way it was years ago. This means healthy food without the harmful pesticides. Organic practices generally mean growing food in harmony with nature. This type of farming ensures there will be no pollution from sprays, and less dangerous waste, in addition to having well balanced soil. So it is better for our water supply and our air.

Organic food is particularly good for babies and young children whose immune systems are not yet mature. There is a wide range of organics in many grocery stores now, and of course, there is the option of homemade.

It is clear that more and more people are switching to organic food, as sales have been steadily increasing and the selection continues to grow.

Once you try organics you may find you would never go back. It's certainly been true in my case. It's a smart health choice to make and better for our world as well.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Benefits of Essential Amino Acids

Methionine: Methionine, cysteine, and cystine are the sulphur containing amino acids of the body. All are glycogenic. Methionine is essential amino acid, whereas the cysteine and cystine are not. Methionine is amino-methyl-thiobutyric acid. This is to be given in diet, or can be substituted with its corresponding keto acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body but on amination gives rise to methionine. The methionine can be synthesized in the micro-organism by methylating the homocysteine.

Three amino acids methionine, arginine, and glycine are directly involved in synthesis of cretine. First arginine and glycine help in formation of glycocyamine in kidney, which then is methylated by active methionine in the liver to complete the synthesis of creatine.

The catabolism of methionine leads to succinyl-CoA and CO2. The methionine takes part in the metabolic functions as methyl donor, in synthesis of cysteine and homoserine, and in formation of keto methyl thiobutyric acid.

It can make choline in aid of vitamin B-12. It acts as an antioxidant. It keeps liver healthy. It checks fat and cholesterol. It maintains nitrogen balance in the body.

Sources of methionine: It is found mainly in whole milk powder, cheese, curd, milk egg, pork, peaches, grapes, watermelon seeds, sunflower and sesame seeds, cauliflower, bitter gourd, sweet potato, carrot and celery leaves, barely, millet, ragi, rice, and wheat. The RDA for children is 22 mg, and for adults is 13 mg per kg. body weight.

Lysine: Lysine is an essential amino acid, as it cannot be synthesized in the body. It eliminates virus infections in combination with vitamin C, A and zinc. Its deficiency can cause poor appetite, weight loss, anaemia, and low concentration.

It is a daminocaproic acid and cannot be synthesized in the body. It is essential for growth. Lysine is synthesized in plants and micro-organism. In the yeast, it is synthesized from acetate and ketoglutarate. In the bacteria, it is synthesized from aspirate and pyruvate. Lysine is a ketogenic amino acid.

Lysine checks spreading of viruses. It eliminates virus infection in combination with zinc, and vitamin A & C. Vitamin C makes lysine more powerful in controlling virus effects. The deficiency can cause poor appetite, weight loss, anaemia, low concentration, and cold ailments. It promotes recovery in herpes.

Sources of Lysine: It is available is apple, mango, papaya, beef, pork, milk, curd, cheese, dry yeast, bottle gourd, cauliflower, jack fruit, cashew nut, pistachio, sunflower seeds, bathua, spinach, beetroot, potato, soyabean, redgram, rajmah, dry peas, lentil, green gram, cow pea, bengal gram, wheat, rice, and barley. The RDA for children is 44 mg, and for adults is 12 mg per kg. body weight.

Find complete and updated information on amino acid, essential amino acid, amino acid supplement, 20 amino acid, amino acid structure, amino acid chain, amino acid protein, and amino acid food.

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Benefits of Fish Oil - Fish Oil and Its Benefits

Fish oil has so many wonderful healthy benefits. Eating omega-3 fish oil or oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna at least two times a week or up to four times a week is truly beneficial to your health.

Here are some great benefits of fish oil:

1. Fish oil prevents heart attack - Dr Alexander Leaf and colleagues at Harvard Medical School found that eating oily fish like salmon or tuna at least twice a week could prevent a heart attack.

2. Fish oil protects against heart disease and stroke - Researchers at Southampton University found that omega-3 fish oil stops the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries, protecting against heart disease and stroke.

3. Fish oil reduces the risk of death from a sudden heart attack - Chief researcher Dr Roberto Martial, from the Consortia Mario Negroid Sod research institute in Santa Maria Embargo, Italy found that one gram daily dose of omega-3 fish oil was enough to significantly reduce the risk of death from a sudden heart attack by 42%.

4. Fish oil prevents mothers from giving birth to very small babies - The University of Bristol research team found that a mother-to-be who eats fish during the later stages of pregnancy is less likely to have a very small baby.

5. Fish oil helps with lupus symptoms - Researchers in Northern Ireland the University of Ulster found that people with the lupus disease who eat tuna, mackerel and similar fish containing omega-3 fish oil reduce their lupus symptoms.

6. Fish oil helps with prostate cancer - The Paterson Institute researchers found that a diet rich in a fat found in oily fish and some seeds may protect men with prostate cancer from developing a more aggressive form.

7. Fish oil reduces the growth of breast cancer - Researchers from Indiana University found that when mixing compounds from omega-3 fatty acids with the anaesthetic propofol, together they appeared to reduce the growth of breast cancer cells.

8. Fish oil reduces inflammation - The researchers from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital found that a diet high in oily fish like salmon and mackerel may help improve inflammatory conditions such as arthritis; the oily fish diet worked best when combined with low aspirin doses.

9. Fish oil prevents certain symptoms of advanced cancer - Professor Kevin Fearon and colleagues at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary found that oily fish prevents cachexia - the severe wasting and weight loss associated with some types of advanced cancer.

10. Fish oil protects against asthma - The researchers at Cambridge University found that oily fish could protect against asthma.

11. Fish oil betters brain and visual development in children - Bristol University researchers found that a mother-to-be who eats oily fish is more likely to have children with better brain and vision developments.

12. Fish oil helps with chronic fatigue syndrome - Dr Basant Puri and colleagues at Hammersmith Hospital in London found that taking omega-3 fish oil supplements may help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome.

In conclusion, the benefits of fish oil are tremendous for your health. If you want to lead a healthy life, maybe it's time for you to start eating oily fish containing omega-3 oils now. For a good health, The Food Standards Agency suggests that we eat oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel or omega-3 fish oil up to four times weekly

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Benefits of Organic Farming

Organic farming is a different sort of farming practice which is different from the conventional farming. With organic farming, better and healthy food ingredients can be cultivated. The whole process of organic farming is natural. Basically, the organic farmers deal with the farmlands in a much careful manner. The organic farmers spend lots of time in improving their land. Soil combination and positioning are two key ingredients of organic gardening. There are certain benefits of organic gardening. With strong commitment to the lands, the organic farmers improve the agricultural processes. Soil foundation of the food chain is the key feature of organic soil. The organic products moreover meet strict standards and as a result almost all the products are of good quality. Organic certification is the public's assurance that products have been grown and handled under persistent toxic chemical inputs. Through thorough study of these techniques, organic ingredients of better quality are achieved. Well balanced soil helps in the growth of better plants. Conventional farmers only add nitrogen. Potassium and phosphorus but the organic farmers use things like rock dust; the organic farmers use many beneficial soil organisms instead of removing them. More information is available from

Organic ingredients have become popular across the nations because of its purity and healthy nature. Organic ingredients do not reduce the possibilities of any residue of herbicide, fungicide or any pesticide within the functional ingredient. Genetically, engineered products can be detrimental for the plant's health. It has been found from studies that the organic farming keeps the topsoil undisturbed and this helps in better production and crop rotation. Again by producing organic ingredient, soil poisoning can be stopped. But the fact is clear that organic farms require more labor. The food ingredients are now highly in demand, the healthy natures of these food ingredients are causes of its popularity. Food ingredients are used for preparing chocolates, snacks and various food products. Conventional farmers use chemicals which kill microscopic bacteria. Many of these bacteria enhance the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. The fillings and the frying oils, coco butter etc are some of the delicious items prepared from organic ingredients. Organic ingredients are also used for making frozen food items. The elimination of polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching are done during soil building and along with this it prevents soil, water and air pollution. For maintaining the natural harmony, it is indeed required to maintain the ecological balance. Organic ingredients are widely used for both foods and agricultural products; nowadays, even cotton is also grown following the process. The food ingredients are now highly in demand. Functional ingredients are also highly being used for yielding better and tastier products. For further information, one can refer to the website

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