Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How u Can Build the Best Physique

If you want to build a great physique, consulting with an expert coach will save you a great expense of time and money as well as providing you peace of mind. A great coach will provide you with a scientifically proven training program, for without a good program you have almost no chance of building a great physique. Every great athlete requires a coach to reach there ultimate potential as fast as possible.

The lack of planning and coaching has put bodybuilders at the mercy of slick marketing, pie in the sky supplements, and magazine mysticism that leaves bodybuilders desperate and frustrated. For some reason bodybuilders are so hooked on the "genetics is everything" that they consistently fall prey to giving less then their best effort leading to disillusionment and discouragement. Often times the individual takes steroids and other bodybuilding drugs to compensate for a poor routine found in a magazine or randomly selected exercises performed with terrible form. These individuals also tend to build belief systems that support the use of drugs to build the physique. This mentality is pervasive even at the pro-level and is a cancer to the science of building muscle. Basically once you take the drugs away most people have a terrible physique and an even worse state of physical and mental health.

For the natural bodybuilder, endless growth is not only possible it is a certainty once the individual diligently follows a step-by-step sound training program. The best programs will be geared so the athlete trains the nervous system to handle increasingly challenging demands so that new neural pathways can be developed to build muscle. The body becomes it's function is a great truism, so you need to first develop strong neural drives to each muscle group to maximize it's development.

The training routine also needs to take in account the development of muscle in strategic places which is first accomplished in the foundation phase. In the second phase of training particular attention is directed to smaller muscle groups to improve the shape, function and aesthetics of the physique. Usually accompanying this stage is a dietary regimen that strips away body fat to reveal the underlying musculature. This is a critical aspect to fully realize where one's physical development is and where improvements need to be made.

The length of time of each phase depends on the maturity of the nervous system, goals of the individual, and body fat percentages. For most trainees these two stages should compromise approximately 1-3 years depending on how fast the individual responds to training and the continuity of the effort exerted. In reality most people take 3-5 years to get their nervous system to the high levels of training capacity in a given discipline.

Cycling back and forth between Foundation training for the structure and Innervation training for the aesthetics compromises the bulk of these stages until the individual gets down to single digit body fat levels with a significant level of muscle mass. At this point a more complex routine is required as the body's ability to adapt to training has significantly improved. Stricter attention to nutrition as well as advanced supplementation and serious psychological training is then required to overcome perceived limits in performance. This is where most trainees falter and there physical development halts. Intense effort is required to break past this barrier, and this takes incredible self-discipline, and desire.

In this third and ongoing stage both foundation and innervation training are performed throughout workout regimens and training reflects constant change to maximize growth and overcome underdeveloped areas. Each month specialization on weak aspects is a must while maintaining or improving strong points.

This long term healthy scientific approach to bodybuilding is far superior to training using drugs because without drugs the individual needs to first follow sound training science and sound nutritional advice. By building a solid base to your training and nutrition long term improvement is guaranteed and bodybuilding becomes a long term and continually improving pursuit.

Conversely, bodybuilders who use drugs to build their bodies quickly lose there gains once the drugs stop because of poor training and poor nutrition. Also the psychological dependence on drugs cause many top level Bodybuilders to become so depressed after they stop a cycle that their training and physique quickly degenerate thereafter. This loss of identity and false euphoria that drugs create can often lead to other more serious psychological/sociological problems. Natural bodybuilding is a far superior way to build every aspect of your physique as well as your mind and emotional state. Natural bodybuilding is a compliment to a productive and happy level not a detriment.

Many natural trainees continue to improve late into there life. Some people are making gains in their 50's, 60's and even 70's with consistent and applied scientific effort in Natural Bodybuilding. More importantly the long term benefits of Natural Bodybuilding far out weigh any short term illusionary gains that drug use provides...

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Diets and Weight Loss Products

Many of us around the world are facing problems on weights. Most are suffering from excessive weight gain and obesity. Many try to lose weight but struggle to find an effective weight loss method. Unluckily, there is no easy way. One way to lose weight and keep it off is by making permanent lifestyle changes.

Nowadays, about 100 million people or more go on diet every year. But sadly, only 10 to15 percent tend to maintain the weight loss method. We can not deny the fact that many of us have some misunderstandings on what method of diet is healthy and what is not. As the rate of obesity has increased, so has the market for weight-loss products. Let us say, you choose to use an over-the-counter weight loss product or participate in a weight loss program, the bottom line is that you still must eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.

When selecting a weight loss product or program, gather as much information as possible. Just one thing, beware of high costs, pressure to buy special foods or pills, and fraudulent claims. There are a lot of risks on that. Some examples of ineffective or useless diet products include: diet patches, magnet diet pills, certain bulk fillers, electrical muscle stimulators, appetite suppressing eyeglasses and magic weight loss earrings.

How do we say that they are ineffective? Diet patches have been removed from the market by the FDA because they were ineffective as diet aid. Magnet diet pills on the other hand allegedly flush fat out of the body which is unhealthy. While certain bulk fillers may cause internal obstruction. Electrical muscle stimulators may remove by the FDA from the market if promoted for weight loss. Appetite suppressing eyeglasses and magic weight loss earrings are said to claim colored lenses project image on retina and decrease appetite and control hunger by stimulating acupuncture points respectively.

There are actually a lot of different kinds of weight loss products that are on sale. They are sold over the counter in various retail outlets such as pharmacies, health food stores, grocery stores and are also available online. Under the right circumstances, some of these may be safe and effective when used as part of a weight management program that promotes a reduced intake of dietary calories and an increase in physical activity. But if you are considering the use of weight loss products, you should be aware of potential risks so you can make informed choices.

Above all these, the best weight loss products come in one: natural diet. It is as simple as eat healthier, watch portion sizes, be responsible and be active.

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Diets are a Pain in the Brain

Even though the dieting industry makes billions every year selling tons of different diet plans and remedies in the USA, the statistics represent that 75% of all Americans are now considered medically overweight and at risk.

What's wrong with that picture? How can it be that billions are spent on diet plans and remedies each and every year, while at the same time the overweight statistics continue to climb upward reaching now an alarming statistic that supports that 75% of all people in the USA are medically overweight? Does it mean that all of those diet plans and remedies don't or can't work?

The truth is that most reasonable popular diet plans and remedies do work. Well, they work if you are able to stick with that diet plan for as long as it takes until your brain gives up and adjusts to the fact that you will now be living with a new lower calorie intake and weight. That can be a mighty long time and is in fact longer than most people are ever able to make it successfully through to.

Our brains are great machines that work to keep everything exactly as it is, and if you are healthy and at the right weight that is a great benefit. But if you have excess weight that needs to be lost, that same great brain machine can be your worst enemy. In fact, though your calorie intake level and weight are at levels that are not healthy for your body, your brain will still try to keep you at that unhealthy status quo even though you have decided to change it for the better. Our brains get used to a certain calorie level and weight over time and getting it to give up and give in to a lower calorie level and weight level takes not only time but it also takes the ability to win the very real brain war that goes on, time and time again, over what can amount to more than a year in length.

When dieters start reducing calories and losing weight, the brain resists the change and starts sending negative messages regularly and around the clock, trying to get the dieter to give in and give up. If you have ever dieted before you already know it's true because you have surely experienced it time and time again and probably ultimately gave into it like most people do. The most common negative messages delivered to you by the naughty resistant brain are messages that you are still hungry even though you have eaten the right amount of calories to feed your body system, messages to eat high calorie foods even though you are trying to stay away from them, and the messages to give up and give in, always tugging at you for every day that you are on your diet. Sound familiar? That's everyone's difficult diet experience in fact. Worse yet, the more weight you have to lose, the longer you will have to survive that very real brain war that goes on; a process that could take more than one year.

Up to now the brain won most of the time because up to now, no one had a way to fight back against their brain every time it sent them a negative thought that threatens their diet and weight loss success. Everyone instead, left to their merciless brain, eventually give in and give up. However, if someone can make it through the long brain wars and last long enough for their brain to adjust to the new calorie intake and weight, they would not only succeed at losing all the weight they want, but also would never gain the old weight back again.

What used to be an impossible situation for most is changing to more than possible through the newest product from Habit Braker Enterprises Inc. Habit Braker Enterprises has stepped out of the box and created a way for every dieter to win the brain war and make it to their permanent weight loss goal achieving a 100% success rate.

Using 18 different short but powerful messages, created just for the dieter, that go everywhere they go and can be used anywhere they are, instantly and privately, using cell phones, iPODs, MP3 or CD players, every negative thought generated by naughty resistant brains, can be eliminated quickly before they ever have a chance to cause anyone to give up and give in again. The Habit Braker Diet System is the only system on the planet that gives dieters access to instant power to defeat their brain every single time it acts up.

The US patent pending (11770472) system is just what success requires and just what everyone needs to make sure that their brain never wins again when they are trying to do what's best for the rest of their body by losing weight on any diet plan or program. Dieting doesn't have to be an impossible problem for anyone anymore or ever again. Everyone needs help to fight back against their own brain. Now everyone can get the help they need to succeed every time they need it, on demand, 24 hours a day.

With our success rate continuing to stand at 100% we are working night and day to bring this powerful helpful diet system to everyone so they can finally succeed at losing their excess weight, becoming healthier and living longer.

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Discover the Pro's Diet Plan to Gain Muscle and Lose Body Fa

Everybody wants to get bigger and leaner at the same time. This can be a challenging task as usually one must sacrifice either definition or gains in muscle.

To gain muscle a person has to consume more protein, carbs, fats, nutrients, and vitamins than they need to get bigger. Less overall calories if they wish to get leaner.

This of course is the main reason bodybuilders tend to "Bulk Up" in the off season. This means the individual will eat loads of calories in the hopes of gaining more muscle mass. The extra muscle gain is achievable but the individual also will experience a significant gain in of fat in the process, often times more than the muscle gains.

After the "Bulking Up" period the individual will usually want to "rip up" for summer or for a contest. Then they usually have to subject themselves to a rigorous training and restrictive diet for 3-6 months to get there body fat levels where their muscles are clearly defined.

The continual up and down Yo-Yo in weight gain plays havoc with the physical body not too mention the psyche of the individual. This generally accepted practice in bodybuilding has also led to the widespread use of drugs used by many athletes to bulk up or to get ripped.

This abuse of drugs has led to the overall malfunction of the bodybuilding community both mentally, physically and psychologically. Certainly not the ideals for which bodybuilding has been founded upon which are good healthy food, rigorous training of the mind and body, and an overall expression of health and vitality.

Fortunately, there is a better way to gain muscle and to lose body fat at the same time. It's called the "Cycle Diet" and it is fast becoming the most popular way to stay lean year round while continually gaining muscle. Let's examine first how the cycle diet works and then how you can incorporate it into your training routine.

Every bodybuilder who maintains there body fat levels below 7 percent knows as soon as they start eating the first few days of high calories their body explodes with new growth before any body fat gains occur.

The reason for this is the body is in a super-compensation state and initially stores the extra calories as glycogen in organs such as the liver as well as intramuscularly. Fats are also stored intramuscularly as well as protein is utilized for the growth and repair of muscles.

This super compensatory state only lasts for maybe 24 hours before the body starts to shuttle the extra calories into fat cells. But before that occurs there is a window of explosive growth available waiting to be tapped into and here is how you can do it.

The entire process was initially developed and coined the Cycle Diet by legendary trainer Scott Abel.

This protocol allows you to build muscle while losing body fat as well as keeping your body free of toxic buildup. Here is how it works.

First, you need to get your body fat levels below 7 percent for the maximum benefit of the protocol. The cool thing is once you get down to this level you can maintain this body fat level year round.

Second you need to get training a minimum of 5 days per week. In other words you need to be an intermediate or advanced trainee capable of handling significant volume and intensity in your training.

Third you need to keep your calorie intake about 500-1000 calories below expenditure daily.

Now for the first 3 days of your training you will keep your caloric intake in the calculated range on all training days. On your first rest day which usually will occur on the 4th day you will perform one of the juice fasts for the whole day.

Consume as much juice as you like on the fast day and be sure to take some fiber to help remove accumulated mucoid plaque in the digestive tract. There are many herbs that can aid in the process as well.

Keep in mind that only natural juices, preferably organic are used on the juice fast day free of sugars, additives, preservatives, sweeteners or anything else.

On the 5th and 6th days of the week you will resume your training and diet schedule, with the concurrent calorie deficit. On the 7th day which should be an off day from training as well, "EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT".

That's right all the things that you would like load up on them. It's a good idea to schedule social occasions or interactions on that day, so you can eat Grandma's apple pie, or have some pizza and ice cream with the guys during the big game. However you want to schedule the day be sure to consume as many calories as you can.

Keep in mind that you start in the morning of your rest day and you stop in the evening. So you keep the time frame down to about 18 hours to ensure no fat will be gained.

It is a good idea to start with fats in the morning first so that you don't experience to much digestive discomfort. It's also a good idea to double or triple your enzyme intake for the high calorie day as well as on the juice fast day for maximum absorption of nutrients.

Because of the short time frame of high calorie consumption as well as the caloric deficient state, combined with the rigorous training schedule it's pretty much impossible for your body to add body fat. The cascade of anabolic hormones during the brief high calorie intake will be used to fill up energy stores and build more muscle. This is the ideal condition for growth of muscle tissues to occur.

You will need to fine tune the process over time but it's pretty simple once you get the routine down. Best of all you don't have to restrict calories for long periods of time. Once every week you get a break and the juice fast day helps clear out any plaque built up form the high calorie day.

Most athletes find the cycle diet much easier and more a more fun way to stay in shape all year. Not only that you can building mass while staying lean year round.

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Do Low Carb Diets Really Work

With so many conflicting studies and vague interpretation of information, it's not surprising that there is a lot of confusion when it comes to the value, safety and efficacy of low-carb diets. It seems like heated debates are everywhere! Whether it's the South Beach or Atkins, or some other low-carb plan, as many as 30 million Americans are following a low-carb diet. Advocates contend that the high amount of carbohydrates in our diet has led to increasing problems with obesity, diabetes, and other health problems. Critics, on the other hand, attribute obesity and related health problems to over-consumption of calories from any source, and lack of physical activity. Critics also express concern that the lack of grains, fruits, and vegetables in low-carbohydrate diets may lead to deficiencies of some key nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, and several minerals. Any diet, weather low or high in carbohydrate, can produce significant weight loss during the initial stages of the diet. But remember, the key to successful dieting is in being able to lose the weight permanently. Put another way, what does the scale show a year after going off the diet? Let's see if we can debunk some of the mystery about low-carb diets. Below, is a listing of some relevant points taken from recent studies and scientific literature. Please note there may be insufficient information available to answer all questions. - Differences Between Low-Carb Diets There are many popular diets designed to lower carbohydrate consumption. Reducing total carbohydrate in the diet means that protein and fat will represent a proportionately greater amount of the total caloric intake. Atkins and Protein Power diets restrict carbohydrate to a point where the body becomes ketogenic. Other low-carb diets like the Zone and Life Without Bread are less restrictive. Some, like Sugar Busters claim to eliminate only sugars and foods that elevate blood sugar levels excessively. - What We Know about Low-Carb Diets Almost all of the studies to date have been small with a wide variety of research objectives. Carbohydrate, caloric intake, diet duration and participant characteristics varied greatly. Most of the studies to date have two things in common: None of the studies had participants with a mean age over 53 and none of the controlled studies lasted longer than 90 days. Information on older adults and long-term results are scarce. Many diet studies fail to monitor the amount of exercise, and therefore caloric expenditure, while participants are dieting. This helps to explain discrepancies between studies. The weight loss on low-carb diets is a function of caloric restriction and diet duration, and not with reduced carbohydrate intake. This finding suggests that if you want to lose weight, you should eat fewer calories and do so over a long time period. Little evidence exists on the long-range safety of low-carb diets. Despite the medical community concerns, no short-term adverse effects have been found on cholesterol, glucose, insulin and blood-pressure levels among participants on the diets. But, adverse effects may not show up because of the short period of the studies. Researchers note that losing weight typically leads to an improvement in these levels anyway, and this may offset an increase caused by a high fat diet. The long range weight change for low-carb and other types of diets is similar. Most low-carb diets cause ketosis. Some of the potential consequences are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion. During the initial phase of low-carb dieting some fatigue and constipation may be encountered. Generally, these symptoms dissipate quickly. Ketosis may also give the breath a fruity odor, somewhat like nail-polish remover (acetone). Low-carb diets do not enable the consumption of more calories than other kinds of diets, as has been often reported. A calorie is a calorie and it doesn't matter weather they come from carbohydrates or fat. Study discrepancies are likely the result of uncontrolled circumstances; i.e. diet participants that cheat on calorie consumption, calories burned during exercise, or any number of other factors. The drop-out rate for strict (i.e. less than 40 grams of CHO/day) low-carb diets is relatively high. What Should You Do? - There are 3 important points I would like to re-emphasize: - The long-range success rate for low-carb and other types of diets is similar. - Despite their popularity, little information exists on the long-term efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets. - Strict low-carb diets are usually not sustainable as a normal way of eating. Boredom usually overcomes willpower. It is obvious after reviewing the topic, that more, well-designed and controlled studies are needed. There just isn't a lot of good information available, especially concerning long-range effects. Strict low-carb diets produce ketosis which is an abnormal and potentially stressful metabolic state. Under some circumstances this might cause health related complications. The diet you choose should be a blueprint for a lifetime of better eating, not just a quick weight loss plan to reach your weight goal. If you can't see yourself eating the prescribed foods longer than a few days or a week, then chances are it's not the right diet. To this end, following a moderately low fat diet with a healthy balance of fat, protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients is beneficial. If you do decide to follow a low-carb plan, remember that certain dietary fats are associated with reduction of disease. Foods high in unsaturated fats that are free of trans-fatty acids such as olive oil, fish, flaxseeds, and nuts are preferred to fats from animal origins. Even promoters of the Atkins diet now say people on their plan should limit the amount of red meat and saturated fat they eat. Atkins representatives are telling health professionals that only 20 percent of a dieter's calories should come from saturated fat (i.e. meat, cheese, butter). This change comes as Atkins faces competition from other popular low-carb diets that call for less saturated fat, such as the South Beach diet plan. Low-carb dieting should not be considered as a license to gorge on red meat! Another alternative to "strict" low-carb dieting would be to give up some of the bad carbohydrate foods but not "throw out the baby with the bath water". In other words, foods high in processed sugar, snacks, and white bread would be avoided, but foods high in complex carbohydrates such as fruit, potatoes and whole grains, retained.

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Exercise Ball - Used to Strengthen Abs

The exercise ball is a great tool for strengthening the abs, but it also helps you reach those hard-to-get-to muscles as well as improving your balance and overall coordination.

The numerous applications of the exercise ball follow a range of difficulty levels, and the benefits for back pain can be felt at each level. From merely sitting on the exercise ball to doing structured aerobic exercise routines, the basic support needed by the back and stomach muscles are the same.

For a person with low back pain, the exercise ball can be used for a variety of purposes. Some of the reasons the exercise ball is used are to learn proper posture, increase lumbar (low back) mobility, increase abdominal and back muscle strength, increase balance and stability as well as develop overall control and strength of the core body muscles.

As an introduction to exercising on the ball, it is often recommended that one simply sit on the exercise ball for 30 minutes a day and bounce lightly, continually finding and maintaining one’s balance on the ball.

Another recommended first step on the exercise ball is to find a neutral (lordotic) lumbar spine position. Slouch slightly on the exercise ball, rounding the lower and upper back. Begin bouncing lightly on the exercise ball.Allow the body to automatically find the straightened posture, which promote staying balanced while continuing to bounce on the exercise ball. This balanced position on the exercise ball is also referred to as the center of gravity, where the upper body is balanced on a stable pelvic base.Even a slight change in this neutral posture position will change the center of gravity and require a correction to stay on the exercise ball. The stomach muscles are required to work the whole time to keep this balanced, neutral posture.

Thera-Band Exercise Balls are inflatable balls used to strengthen muscles to improve posture and help prevent back pain. Each exercise ball comes with two plugs and an inflation adapter, along with the Thera-Band® Exercise Ball Guide Poster detailing 24 exercises. They are weight-tested to support 1,000 lbs. of static weight. Five sizes are provided to allow for user height variations.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Program - Another Scam

I have been overweight all my life and so far, I have spent over $3000 on weight loss programs with disastrous results. It seems regularly, I am flooded with fat loss emails and diets that promise to reduce weight quickly. Now, I admit that I have bad eating habits. But the problem is that I have to significantly modify my current lifestyle in order to follow these weight loss programs. It would be nice, if a diet program showed me how to incorporate my current lifestyle with new ideas so that I can lose weight and keep it off forever.

While searching for weight loss programs, I saw an ad for the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program. At first I thought that this is another one of those fat loss scams. So, I inquired from people in forums to review the program for me. Particuarly, I wanted to know if the program would allow me to lose weight in the long term. Well, I was quite surprised at the number of people that came forward claiming that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program helped them lose significant weight. After doing more research, I found that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is one of the premier fat loss programs on the Internet and has helped people lose as much as 9 pounds in 2 weeks. The killer punch for me was that the program offered a 6 week money back guarantee if I wasn’t happy with the results.

So, did it help me to lose weight? It has been 6 days since I started the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program, and I have lost 5 pounds already. But you know the best thing is that I can still drink alcohol because the program tells me how I should manage my current eating habits with new food ideas to lose weight in the long term. If I need assistance, I can always contact their support team and they are willing to help me. Some people who are also in the program claim that there is a 95% customer satisfaction rate which is unheard of for any weight loss program.

The instructions in the program are easy to follow and set out a dedicated plan for me to lose weight. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is overweight particularly those people who find it hard to keep weight off in the long term.

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Gain Muscle Fast 3 Things your Trainer May not Tell you

Most people get motivated to muscle building, fat burning and weight loss. They desire becoming a smart and perfectly firm body or even a powerful new head-turning body so they would get amount of attention from the opposite sex. However they have no idea how to gain muscle fast and effectively at the beginning. This article will give you the tips many newbie should know about how to gain muscle fast and effectively.

1. How to Get Started To Gain Muscle Fast and Effectively?

This question sounds quite simple, yet hard to answer. Anyway I would recommend you getting started at the gym first, because it makes you a lot easier and you can start building muscle in the right track. You can start learning and applying with the real equipments and the machines as well as get helped and advised from your trainer.

Since you should take your muscle building course at the gym in 3-6 days each week, the gym located near your work place or your home makes you more convenient and save your traveling time.

In the basic training to build and gain muscle fast, I suggest you simply exercise for overall entire body. Continually exercise for 2 days, and take a rest 1 day. In case of no machines provided, I suggest using Barbell and Dumbbell instead.

Press Press 2 sets x 10-12 times
Inc DB Fly 2 sets x 10-12 times
Leg Press 2 sets x 12 times
Lying Leg Curl or Seated Leg Curl 2 sets x 12 times
Wide Grip Pull down 2 sets x 10-12 times
Lower Back Hyperextension 2 sets x 10-12 times
DB shoulder Press 2 sets x 10-12 times
DB Side later raise 2 sets x 10-12 times
Barbell Curl 2 sets x 10-12 times
Dumbbell extension 2 sets x 10-12 times
Crunch 2 sets x 10-12 times
Seated Calf raise 2 sets x 10-12 times

You do not have to get all exercises finished within a day. You may get 6-8 exercises in the first day and the rest for tomorrow then take a rest on the next day. Continue this workout routine for 3-6 months until your muscle gets strong enough, then you may go for the next higher intensive program.

You can find more information about exercises and workout routines from the site below:

2. Which of Necessary Muscle Parts Must Be Built?

Many bodybuilders use these muscle parts to manage training schedule. The list of main muscle parts shows below:

Shoulders (or Delts)
Legs (Thighs): divided into of 2 parts - Quads (Front side), Hamstrings (Back side)
Arms: divided into 3 parts - Biceps(Front side), Triceps (Back side) and Forearm

Each day, bodybuilders manage each workout period to reflect each specific muscle part. Doing this not only gives each muscle part a full exercise but recovering period as well - a good practical way to build and gain muscle fast and effectively.

By the way, “Legs and Calves Exercise” makes your entire body looks perfectly massive.

3. Muscle Building Supplements - How To Choose The Right Ones?

Muscle building supplements does not necessary for a newbie if you do not exercise in high intensive workout course. However, only regular food does not give nutrition enough for people who exercise in high intensive level. They really need them to build and gain muscle fast. Some significant ingredients are:

Protein: Amino acids help the building blocks for your muscles. You can take it from one to two grams of protein per pound of your weight. Getting protein through shakes give your body absorbed more than a pill form.

Creatine: The next important one in the supplement should be creatine. It helps your body to getting more muscle mass by decreasing muscle fatigue and improving muscle recovery. You are allowed to do more reps of higher weight. You’d better take in cycles e.g. four weeks first then two weeks off of it.

Multi-Vitamin and Multi-Mineral (Micro-nutrients): Most people just think that their regular diet gives them enough vitamins and minerals. To get the recommended amount of daily intake, you need to go through extremely large quantities of food. The best solution would be to supplement our diet with a premium quality multi-vitamin-mineral supplement. One specific mineral supplied in your diet can develop your ability to build and gain muscle fast or improves your health.

In Summary

Start with the given tips could set your muscle building in the right track at the beginning. The most important thing about how to build and gain muscle fast and effectively would be learning by your own research and persistent exercise altogether. In a matter of months you can have your body looks firm and perfect if you follow the tips starting to build and gain muscle fast and effectively.

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Get Ripped Fast - Build Muscle Mass Quickly


Bodybuilding is a sport that involves building muscles. It is also a great learning experience. The thing I find interesting about bodybuilding is the combination of components and discipline. Bodybuilding is the act of putting on muscle by working out and shaping one's diet to put on more muscle mass. As you gain in confidence and experience you will achieve greater muscle mass and have no trouble in burning off body fat. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire. It is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. There are many programs available to help you build muscle mass quickly but first let us look at what bodybuilding involves and what you need to know before you get ripped fast.

What Is Muscle Made Of ?

Muscle is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. Muscles grow when muscle fibres are damaged and repair themselves following a workout. Muscles will only grow in size when they have fully recovered from the gym workout, then, and only then will muscle growth happen. Muscles need time to heal, once a week for directly hitting a muscle is fine. Muscular development can only happen in the presence of ample amino acids and the only source for amino acids is dietary protein. Protein is not just meat and there are many sources of protein but carbohydrates give the body energy to deal with the rigors of training and recovery.

How Much Training Will I Need To Do ?

Training at a high intensity too frequently also stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) and can result in a hyper-adrenergic state that interferes with sleep patterns. Training three or four time a week is more than enough. Training does not only include strength training, but also, a healthy diet must also be observed. Training is a key concept, but it is almost useless without proper nutrition and adequate rest. Training only occasionally will not involve any muscle improvement. give the body energy to deal with the rigors of training and recovery. To avoid overtraining, intense frequent training must be met with at least an equal amount of purposeful recovery.

How Do Famous Bodybuilders Build Muscle Mass So Quickly?

Bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Priest and Jay Cutler all started competing when they were teenagers. Bodybuilders seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other slowly-digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. Bodybuilders exist on a diet of protein to develop muscle, and have a skinny supermodel's aversion to fat. Bodybuilders split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal nutritional content and attempt to eat at regular intervals (normally between 2 and 3 hours). Aspiring bodybuilders therefore should design their training programs to allow time for recovery and growth. Bodybuilders perform a lot of isolation movements, or exercises that work only one muscle or group of muscles at a time.

Get Ripped Fast At Home Or In The Gym?

The great thing about bodybuilding is that you can do it with very basic equipment while training only a few hours each week. Natural bodybuilding without drugs is all about achieving your body’s maximum potential without using steroids or other growth enhancing drugs. As I've mentioned before, the thing I find interesting about bodybuilding is the combination of components and discipline. You can join the program below to give you fast results in getting ripped fast.

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Great Programm to Become Really Strong and Big!

Here is my last training programm! I made 10 kilos in less than half a year (being already big and experienced weightlifter and bodybuilder). My brother gained 20 kilos in one year… It is increadible, and you’ll have to go to the gym only two times a week and spend there only one hour per visit! Isn’t it awesome to spend less money, to spend less time and to grow bigger and stronger?
Let’s go!
1. Bench press – 5×5 (2 sets warming-up, 3 sets with the maximum weight you can do 5 repetitions)
2. Weight retention 1×60 seconds (isometric exercise helping to strenghten your tendons) weight must be 30% heavier than the maximum weight you can do in this exercise!
3. Squats – 1×10 (warming up), 1×20 (you must take the maximum possible weight to do this exercise)
4. Pull-ups! The maximum number that you can.

1. Shoulder press – 5×5 (2 sets warming-up, 3 sets with the maximum weight you can do 5 repetitions)
2. Biceps curls – 5×5 (2 sets warming-up, 3 sets with the maximum weight you can do 5 repetitions)
3. Deadlifts – 5×5 (2 sets warming-up, 3 sets with the maximum weight you can do 5 repetitions)

In the last set of all the exercises you should obtain the muscular breakdown. If you feel that you can do one more repetition? then you must increase weight next time in this exercise. This simple program works for all people including “hardgainers” and so on. This is the programm for experienced powerlifters and bodybuilders and for the beginners as well! Enjoy your everyday growing muscles!

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History of Anabolic Steroid

Surprising it may seem, but tracing the history of anabolic steroid will reveal that there was prevalence of its use among professional athletes in ancient Greece. In those times, athletes used natural steroidal substances in order to enhance androgenic and anabolic growth in the body.

As the history of anabolic steroid unfolds, one would find that in early 1930s, German scientists discovered the drug in modern pharmaceutical form - albeit accidentally. There was however no immediate interest to pursue research into the drug's utility.

After a hiatus of nearly 2 decades, the first serious scientific attention to anabolic steroid came upon in 1950s when methandrostenolone or Dianabol was approved by the FDA for use in US in 1958 after it was known to have had promising trials in other countries.

In spite of sporadic trial and use of anabolic steroid from 60s through 80s, doubts remained as to whether it had any real effect. In 1972 a study was done whereby no big difference could be noticed between those who received anabolic steroid injection and those who were given placebo.

Later in 1996, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) decided to examine the effect of the drug by injecting testosterone enanthate in high doses intramuscularly at the rate of 600 mg/week for 10 weeks. The results gave clear indication of increase in muscle mass and decrease in fat mass among those who took the test as against those who took placebo injections.

Meanwhile, the US Congress approved the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, and accordingly the anabolic steroids are placed into Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

It is not known how the history of anabolic steroid will trace its route in future. For now, as recently as on January 20, 2005, the CSA has been further amended to make way for Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004, vide which both anabolic steroids and prohormones are now controlled substances.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Building a Better Body

While cardio exercises can significantly improve overall health, many fitness experts agree that strength-training exercises should also be incorporated into every man’s fitness schedule to achieve good health. Strength-training can benefit the entire system, leading to fat loss, muscle growth and a more toned body. Keep the following guidelines in mind when you begin a program:

• Aim to begin exercising two days a week. Begin with 8-10 repetitions (a complete action, like one bicep curl) of 8 different kinds of exercises for each day. Do one set of repetitions until your muscle is tired, stop, then begin another exercise.

• Once you find you can do all repetitions without tiring your muscles out, gradually add to the number of repetitions.

• Vary workout routines, targeting certain muscle groups (like arms) one day and different ones (like abdomen) the next. This allows each muscle group you exercise to rest for one day. Complement strength training with cardio exercises like walking, biking or swimming.

• Keep exercises basic: start with bicep curls, chest presses, and overheads instead of jumping right into complicated weight machines.

• Pay attention to your diet. Ingredients that help build muscle mass are protein (chicken, tuna, lean beef), carbohydrates (oatmeal, potatoes, beans), and good fats (mono and polyunsaturated). Keep menus varied and servings moderate, not large. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to hydrate and flush out your system.

• Don’t push yourself too hard or expect results too quickly. Chart your weekly exercises and set a realistic one month goal.

• Sore muscles are a natural part of getting in shape, but stop and consult a doctor if you encounter sharp pains, swollen joints or if the pain persists for several days.

• If possible, get one-on-one instruction from a trainer or instructor. This will help you learn correct form and may help you avoid muscle and joint problems later on.

• Do some warm-up exercises and stretches before you being your session. It could be as simple as jogging in place for 5-10 minutes.

• Check with a doctor before beginning a strength-training program if you have a previous or existing medical condition or health problems.

• Consider taking a supplement to assist you in building better muscle and a leaner profile. Coupled with a healthy, balanced diet and a regular exercise program, it’s an ideal system for weight-management and muscle-development routines.

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Building Muscles, Weight Lifting, Tips for Getting the Body

I want to build muscle, I want to have big muscles, what must I do? The answer is simple! Start lifting weights, set your goals, eat proper and rest!
Here are some tips to help you start:
First tip is: Set your goals! Do not be over optimistic, do not be over pessimistic in setting your goals. Just be realistic! No one can become a bodybuilding champ over night. Do not fool yourself, today I will lift 10000 pounds and tomorrow I will look like Terminator. Start by knowing your body and you will quickly learn what is a realistic goal for you. Write your realistic goals down, make a schedule. People make plans in their head and forget them, write your plans on a paper. Read your goals, follow a schedule. When you will feel down, look at your goals and what you already achieved and your mood will go up. Follow a routine of your schedule! Make yourself a training program and follow it. Once you get in a rhythm, you will feel great and your body will be grateful!
Next tip is: Ask people, learn more about training, about lifting weights...! It is true the bodybuilding is a individual sport, but do not be afraid to ask people for the advice, ask your trainer, ask a friend. Trust me, people will help you if you ask them nicely. Knowledge is power is also true for bodybuilding.
The following tip is: You must overload/stress your muscle! Only way to build your muscle and gain strength is to stress your muscle. Bigger weight means bigger muscle! Do not over exceed yourself as you might heart yourself! Warm up by lifting smaller weights. Start slowly, use smaller weight, less repetitions, then steadily add more weight, and later more repetitions. If you would always lift the same amount of weight, then your progress will stop. So try to add more repetitions with lifting the same weight or add more weight with the same repetition or decrease the rest time between your repetitions.
The last tip is: Proper nutrition and proper rest! You may set your goals, lift heavy weights, but without proper nutrition and proper rest there will not be any progress. Your muscle as your body needs energy to work. The energy comes from the proper nutrition! Without proper nutrition you will be easily tired, so belive me when I say that proper nutrition is the key. The proper nutrition will have 40% of Carbohydrates, 40% of Protein and 20% of fat. The muscle growth happens while you sleep and rest so it is very important to rest and sleep properly.

Follow this tips, be patient, work out, eat, rest properly and you will get the body you want.

It is fun lifting weights, you will feel better and be healthier!

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Burn Fat Using These Simple Strategies

How do you know if you need to lose fat? The best way is by finding out what percentage of your total body mass is fatty tissue. Be wary of the tables that provide ideal weights for men and women of various heights. Rarely do these tables take body types or age into account.

Here are different routines for muscle building and fat burning for you to build muscle mass and burn fat effectively.

1. Exercise as soon as you wake up

What works well are exercise routines every morning. It is best to start fat burning by exercising first thing in the morning.

Of course, the body naturally sheds fat from the areas of greater excess. But it can shed off more when done in the morning. This is because fats are the only things being burned in the morning. The energy from carbohydrates eaten from last night's meal have already been used up during sleep.

Usually, 30 minutes of exercise in the morning can burn fats by as much as 600 calories. That is almost losing the fats you have accumulated by drinking milk shake and hamburger from last night's meal.

2. Eat small meals at frequent intervals

Rats trained to eat their entire daily ration in one to two hours gained more weight than rats that nibbled at their food whenever they were hungry. Eating just one giant meal increases the rate at which food is converted into fat by twenty-five times.

Experts say that this applies to humans as well. In fact, they contend that when you eat might be as important as what you eat.

3. Add pleasurable activities to your schedule

Just an extra half-hour of walking, for example, can burn off five pounds a year. Try to think in terms of the long haul and develop eating and exercise habits that can keep you in shape for months, years, and decades to come. This perspective can help you get over one of the very common disappointments of the first weeks of dieting.

These are just some of the routines for muscle building and fat burning. You can count on them if you really want to build muscle mass and shed off excess fats.

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Catapult your Muscle Gains With Partial Reps and Isometric C

Lets face it Partial range repetitions can be far more effective than full-range reps for building strength and muscle in as short a time as possible. They are basically reps done in a specific range of motion and usually involve doing only the top half or top six inches of the movement this is in your strongest range of motion.

By working only in this range of motion you can use far more weight and therefore, work your muscles harder because they can handle more resistance.

Partial range rep exercises have advantages of being safer also because the weight is prevented from entering the weakest range of motion where most injuries occur. These can be applied to almost any exercise but are more appropriate for some exercises than others.

These include the bigger compound exercises such as the Bench press, Leg press and Reverse grip lat pulldown.

Lets take the bench press for example, after performing a Full range rep warm-up, move to a smith machine or power rack (or a good spotting partner) and place the supports so the bar rests at the top half range (or six inches) from your reach so when you lie on the bench and reach up to grab the bar your arms should be about six inches from full extension.

Push the bar to the top of the movement and then back to the supports. Notice how the safety bars prevent the weight from entering the weak range of motion. Continue on to total failure.

When you lift weight in your strongest range of motion you will notice how easy it is! You will be able to use twice the amount of weight that you would use with the Full Range Reps.

Isometric Contraction is another step upwards in the intensity stakes. It is performed by holding a weight in a fixed position with the muscle fully contracted for an extended period of time. It is performed using the one set only for holds of between five and fifteen seconds.

During these holds nearly all of the muscle fibers of the target muscle are recruited, something that doesn't happen with full range repetitions. The more muscle fibers you can recruit the more growth that can occur. I have found that by using this technique on trainees strength gains of 50% in ten weeks have often occurred.

Only one all out maximum intensity set per exercise is necessary for this type of training. If you give the first set 100% effort then there will be no more requirement for further muscle stimulation on that specific exercise.

Fortunately isometric contraction will probably be the easiest and safest way to perform strength training exercises as there are no reps and no motion of the weight, the entire set consists of holding the weight motionless for 5-15 seconds depending on what cycle you are in.

By cycling the seconds per hold, as you move into your training program from week to week the absolute intensity of the exercise increases (the weight used for the exercises increases) thus promoting more functional muscle growth. It is very important you limit the range of motion of the weight you are using.

If you do not have a strong training partner who can spot you during these lifts then you must use a power rack or a smith machine. Now lets look at a exercise and how isometric contraction works with it.

Bench Press: This exercise is best performed on a smith machine or inside a Power Rack, Position the bar within two or three inches of your extended reach. Place 50-100% more weight on the bar than you have been using for your partial reps. Push the bar up two to three inches (do not lock-out) and hold for appropriate count.

With all exercises push yourself to the limits of your capability. Most trainee's using this method make the mistake of underestimating the weight they can lift. You can expect very significant increases in the weight used for all exercises.

So there you have it, by incorporating these two training techniques into your every day strength training programs you will be well on the way to increasing your size and strength in no time at all.

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Choosing the Right Personal Trainer - Part 1 !!!

I came across a post in a fitness forum not too long ago where the author was talking about how 'very, very, very sore' he was after his trainer cracked the whip at him for a couple training sessions. He went on to describe how he wanted to throw up during the session and how he could barely walk due to the soreness. Some of the forum respondents, who were 'in theory' knowledgeable fitness types, made light of it and said he'd get past it. My response was that the trainer was negligent and that the author of the post should find another trainer ASAP.

In reality the best solution is to be proactive instead of reactive. Instead of being browbeaten by a trainer you hardly know and wondering 'why is this so hard?' and 'will it get better?' you should instead be asking 'what should all of this look like in the first place?' But most people who are new to fitness can't really answer that question.

This series will help answer that question and provide you with some guidance on how to select a personal trainer. It's broken into 3 sections:

Section 1 - (this article) Understanding your goals and finding potential trainers.

Section 2 - Personal trainer qualifications and certifications.

Section 3 - Getting to know a trainer and having them get to know you.

Just as with any health decision, this is ultimately your responsibility. If your health is affected, either positively or negatively, it's not your trainer, doctor, or dentist that has to live with it. It's you. Be as knowledgeable and prepared as possible, and take ownership of your decisions. Don't allow an overzealous trainer to leave you unable to walk.

Without delaying further, let's discuss how you can understand and put in writing the goals you have for your fitness journey.

Your Fitness Goals

Your first step is to take an inventory of yourself and your goals before you can gauge whether or not a specific trainer can help. When you really understand what you need help with, you can more easily find the person who can help you get there, and you can also perform your own sanity check on the program they ultimately prescribe for you.

When creating this goals inventory, ask yourself the following questions:

What is my ultimate goal? Be as specific and realistic as possible. For example - "I want to learn how to correctly perform basic exercises, lose 10 pounds of fat, and run 2 miles without stopping to catch my breath".

What are my short term goals? Be even more realistic here, and focus on the month to month timeframe. Perhaps it would be to gain 1 pound of muscle per month and increase your bench press by 5 pounds per month.

What are my preferred forms of exercise? If you enjoy doing a form of exercise, you're much more likely to stick with it. But be aware that your desired long and short term goals may drive the forms of exercise necessary to achieve them.

What kind of time do I have to commit? A good trainer will customize your exercise plan to fit your available schedule.

What kind of equipment do I have available? You'll need to know what's possible for you to do on those days you work out but aren't with the trainer. Do you belong to a club, have access to your own equipment, or will your program need to be more creatively designed?

What kind of person would I like to work with? Do you need someone who is more of a teaching guide, or more of a drill Sergeant to keep you motivated?

Write down your answers to all these questions, and if you come up with anything else write that down too. Later in the process this is information you'll provide to your selected trainer.

Where To Find Personal Trainers

There are many ways to find personal trainers in your area. Here are a few to get you started:

Friends, family members, and co-workers who have worked with or know a personal trainer. Don't totally rely on their advice, though, because a trainer that works well with them and their personality may not work well with you.

Your health club or Rec Center. If you belong to a club, no doubt at one time you've been hit up to use one of their trainers. At a minimum you can get some names and maybe even talk to these trainers in person before agreeing to use their services.

Certification organizations. I'll talk about the importance of certification in the next section, but you can always find nearby trainers that have been certified through the company that certified them. An example is the National Strength and Conditioning association's trainer locator.

The Yellow Pages. Whether you use the paper version or an online one, you can get a list of trainers and begin calling them.

In the end you probably want to have a list of about 5 or more potential trainers that you will investigate further. Part 2 will discuss how to begin that investigation.

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