Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sweet and Amazing Agaves

Plants that store substantial quantities of water in their enlarged and fleshy leaves, stems or roots are commonly termed as succulent plants. The Agave is one such succulent plant which like the aloe vera, has a greater quantity of parenchyma tissue and thereby, can store substantial amount of fluids. The agave, belonging to the botanical family of Agavaceae, is primarily a Mexican plant which also occurs frequently in southern and western parts of the United States and tropical regions of South America. The thick, fleshy leaves of the agave plant ends in sharp points and are characterized by spiny margins. As the stem of the Organic Agave plant is short and stout, the fleshy leaves apparently seem to sprout from the ground. Most Organic Agave plants grow during summer months and require adequate protection from frost during cold winter days. Agave plants mature slowly and die after completing the flowering cycle. However, the propagation of Organic Agave plants is easily done by offsets arising from the base of the plant stems. In this regard check out with http://www.agcommoditiesinc.com/index.htm as it will inform you on some common characteristics of most Agave plants.

The rosettes of an Organic Agave are monocarps and flowers only once. After the Organic Agave fruit is developed, the parent plant dies and suckers produced from the stem base grow into new plants. The commonest species of Organic Agave is the Agave Americana or the Century Plant, so named because of the long time it takes for flowering. The growth of the Organic Agave plant, which depends on the soil quality, care and climate, is characterized by storage of fluid in the thick fleshy leaves during the years before flowering.

During inflorescence, the sap flows heavily to the base of the flower stalk. http://www.agcommoditiesinc.com/index.htm tells you how the sap and natural syrup of the Agave plant is used in different parts of the world. The sap of the Raw Agave or the Blue Agave is used by the Mexicans (where the plant grew originally) for preparing their national beverage called pulque. The Blue Agave Syrup is collected by cutting the shoot of the flower and after fermentation the beverage is prepared. When this collected Organic Agave Syrup is fermented and distilled, a spirit known as mescal is prepared.

The website http://www.agcommoditiesinc.com/index.htm informs you on some of the chief uses of products of Organic Agave plants. The Agave occurs in different parts of the world as different specimen. While the Native Americans of Mexico cut and dried the Raw Agave to make articles like pens, nails, needles and strings for sewing, in India, the same plant is used for making hedges along railways. The Blue Agave Syrup, also termed as Agave Nectar, is used in cooking as natural sweeteners (as an alternative to sugar) in different countries all over the world. Sweeter than sugar, gluten free and easily dissolvable, Agave Nectar is added as a sweetening ingredient in preparing a variety of beverages and health snacks.

In modern times, as people are gradually becoming more and more health conscious, natural products like Organic Agave are gradually gaining in popularity over their chemical counterparts. Unlike chemical sweeteners running the risk of causing various side-effects in consumers, natural products like Organic Agave are basically free from side effects. http://www.agcommoditiesinc.com/ informs you that natural alternative sweeteners are good for consumption in their purest forms and can also be added to various food preparations, beverages and recipes for improving the taste. Natural sweeteners like Agave Nectar are useful as they can modify the taste of food without significantly increasing their blood sugar level.

For the benefit of patients suffering from medical conditions like diabetes and high blood sugar levels artificial sweeteners are largely used today. Since, unlike natural sweeteners like sugar, most artificial sweeteners are higher in their sweetness intensity, even adding smaller quantities of these artificial sweeteners can achieve the sweetening effect as larger quantities of natural sugars. As, Agave Nectar unlike other artificial sweeteners do not have any intense or bitter tastes, they can be easily added to various food preparations and beverages without hampering the taste of the preparation. Many sweeteners especially formulated for the use of diabetic individuals and people having high sugar levels in blood have Agave Nectar as a major component, which provide energy without increasing the sugar level in blood.

Unlike artificial sugar derivatives like saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, neotame and acesulfame potassium, Agave Nectar, a natural sweetener, is bereft of the damaging effects of chemical sweeteners and is therefore, a much safer option for human consumption. However, since the juice of certain species of Organic Agave plants can cause acute contact dermatitis and can result in reddening, itching and blistering of an area, proper care should be taken while handling these types of Organic Agave plants and their natural derivatives.

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