Friday, March 28, 2008

Building a Better Body

While cardio exercises can significantly improve overall health, many fitness experts agree that strength-training exercises should also be incorporated into every man’s fitness schedule to achieve good health. Strength-training can benefit the entire system, leading to fat loss, muscle growth and a more toned body. Keep the following guidelines in mind when you begin a program:

• Aim to begin exercising two days a week. Begin with 8-10 repetitions (a complete action, like one bicep curl) of 8 different kinds of exercises for each day. Do one set of repetitions until your muscle is tired, stop, then begin another exercise.

• Once you find you can do all repetitions without tiring your muscles out, gradually add to the number of repetitions.

• Vary workout routines, targeting certain muscle groups (like arms) one day and different ones (like abdomen) the next. This allows each muscle group you exercise to rest for one day. Complement strength training with cardio exercises like walking, biking or swimming.

• Keep exercises basic: start with bicep curls, chest presses, and overheads instead of jumping right into complicated weight machines.

• Pay attention to your diet. Ingredients that help build muscle mass are protein (chicken, tuna, lean beef), carbohydrates (oatmeal, potatoes, beans), and good fats (mono and polyunsaturated). Keep menus varied and servings moderate, not large. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to hydrate and flush out your system.

• Don’t push yourself too hard or expect results too quickly. Chart your weekly exercises and set a realistic one month goal.

• Sore muscles are a natural part of getting in shape, but stop and consult a doctor if you encounter sharp pains, swollen joints or if the pain persists for several days.

• If possible, get one-on-one instruction from a trainer or instructor. This will help you learn correct form and may help you avoid muscle and joint problems later on.

• Do some warm-up exercises and stretches before you being your session. It could be as simple as jogging in place for 5-10 minutes.

• Check with a doctor before beginning a strength-training program if you have a previous or existing medical condition or health problems.

• Consider taking a supplement to assist you in building better muscle and a leaner profile. Coupled with a healthy, balanced diet and a regular exercise program, it’s an ideal system for weight-management and muscle-development routines.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lipozene Can you Really Lose Weight Fast With Lipozene

One of the more recent "stars" of the diet supplement world, Lipozene has been touted as a fast, easy route, to substantial weight loss. But does it really work? (For more information on this, go to: )

The Lipozene diet pill is manufactured by Obesity Research Institute. You may have heard of them - they previously marketed similar products under the names Fiberslim and Propolene.

The central ingredient in Lipozene, is a substance called glucomannan. And this is the same substance that was used in Obesity Research Institute's prior diet products. So first, you need to take a good look at what exactly is glucomannan.

Without getting too technical, (I don't want to put you to sleep with a bunch of terminology from my Chemistry lab manuals!), glucomannan is basically a fiber supplement, derived from a plant. It is a substance that your body cannot absorb, so it just passes through your system, while providing fiber to help move everything else through. (Trying hard, not to get disgusting here!)

Now, there are clinical studies which confirm that glucomannan lowers blood-fat levels, and levels of the "bad" cholesterol (LDL). There is also some confirmation that consuming glucomannan with water before a meal, will give you a full feeling (the idea being that you will then eat less).

But before you run to your computer, to order a year's supply of Lipozene, I'm going to give you the honest truth. There are very serious problems with this product!

Yes I realize, you may have heard lots of stories about successful weight loss using Lipozene - from people trying to sell it to you! Well, fortunately for you, I refuse to sell people something that I wouldn't use myself. So I am going to reveal to you, the whole true story, about Lipozene and weight loss.

First, you need to clearly understand the problems:

#1: Diet pills are still drugs. And ALL drugs cause associated side effects. And sometimes, these side effects can even be dangerous.

#2: Glucomannan is a fiber product. And all fiber products can cause certain vitamins and minerals to bind with them - thus preventing your body from using those essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, it is advisable to take a quality multi-vitamin supplement, if you decide to use this type of diet pill.

#3: Since Lipozene is essentially a fiber product, this brings up the question: Why not just buy one of the commonly available fiber supplements, at a cost that is far less than Lipozene?

#4: There are many claims of success floating around the Internet, purportedly from Lipozene users. However, even these people state that they were following nutritional diet plans, and engaging in regular exercise, while on Lipozene. This means that we have no way of knowing whether they would have succeeded equally, merely by using a diet plan and exercise alone.

None of the problems above, however, addresses the most serious concern with Lipozene: Consumer Fraud.

The company that makes the product (Obesity Research Institute), has been cited numerous times for billing customers under false pretenses, and for refusing to provide refunds under conditions where a refund was promised. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission has charged the company with making "false and unsubstantiated claims" in the past. As a result, the company has been forced to pay $1.5 million in "customer redress"!

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Local or Organic A False Choice !!!

A couple of years ago, I visited an organic vegetable farm in southeast Minnesota, not far from the Mississippi River. Nestled in a valley that sloped down from rolling pasture and cropland sat Featherstone Fruits and Vegetables, a 40-acre farm.

Featherstone was part of a local food web in the upper Midwest, selling at a farmers' market, through a CSA (community supported agriculture) and to co-op stores in the Twin Cities. But the partners, Jack Hedin and Rhys Williams, who began in 1995, were having a tough time economically and realized they would have to boost sales if they were to become viable. The farm earned about $22,000 a year -- split between the two partners -- so they had to take on debt to keep going; this, after a 60 to 70 hour work week.

Hedin told me he made some calls and eventually landed a deal with Whole Foods to supply the natural foods chain with organic heirloom tomatoes. When I visited, they were in year two of the contract, picking the tomatoes before their peak ripeness, then shipping them to Chicago for stores in the Midwest. The deal had become the biggest sales channel for their farm; while still "local," they were not as local as when they sold in their backyard.

There was a lesson here, one that often gets lost in the debate about which is better, local or organic? Too often this is understood as a zero sum game -- that the money you spend on organic food at the supermarket will mean less for local farmers. After all, the food you buy is being shipped from who knows where and then often ends up in a processed food product. I've heard the argument that if all the money spent on organic food (around $14 billion) were actually channeled to local food, then a lot more small farms would survive and local food networks could expand. Well, Featherstone was doing precisely the opposite: it had entered the organic wholesale marketplace and then sent its tomatoes hundreds of miles away to survive as a small and, yes, local farm.

As consumers, it's hard to understand these realities since we're so divorced from the way food is produced. Even for conscious consumers who think about values other than convenience and price -- avoiding pesticides, the survival of small farms, artisan food, and, of course, the most basic values, freshness and taste -- choices must be made. Should we avoid pesticides at all costs or help small local farmers who may use them? Should we reduce food shipment miles, or buy food produced in an ecologically sound manner regardless of where it's grown? These questions arise because we want to do what's right.

The problem, though, is that these questions set up false choices. What Hedin and others showed me was that when it comes to doing the right thing, what really mattered was thinking about the choice -- to be aware, to stay informed, and to be conscious of our role as consumers. But what you actually chose -- local or organic -- didn't really matter.

Hedin, for example, was competing against farmers he actually knew on the West Coast, who also supplied organic produce to Whole Foods. I met one, Tim Mueller of River Dog Farm, in the one-bar town of Guinda, California. His farm sold produce at the Berkeley Farmers Market about 90 minutes away, but he was also tied to wholesale markets. (I saw River Dog's heirloom tomatoes in western Massachusetts.) For these organic farmers, selling wholesale was a foundation for economic sustainability.

Moreover, by expanding the organic market, we may be actually helping local farmers. The USDA surveyed farmers' markets and found that about a third of farmers selling direct were organic -- local and organic, that is. In comparison, just one percent of all American farms practice organic agriculture. So for smaller-scale farmers selling direct, organic food has become a key component of their identity. By bringing more people into the organic fold, through whatever gateway they happened to choose, the pool of consumers considering local food would likely increase too.

That's at least what Jim Crawford, a farmer from south central Pennsylvania believed. His 25-acre operation, New Morning Farm, works two farmers' markets in Washington, D.C., and Jim played a key role in the growth of local foods in the region, having started out as an organic farmer in the 1970s. He told me he worried when Whole Foods opened a supermarket near his farmers' market location in Washington because he thought he would lose customers. But over time, he noticed, sales kept rising. He thought the supermarket, which stocked a lot of organic produce from California, was actually converting customers to organic food and they in turn were finding their way to his market.

But what about companies that have pursued the organic marketplace without any concern for local food? What about, say, Earthbound Farm, which has grown into the third largest organic brand and the largest organic produce company in the nation, with its bagged salad mixes in three-quarters of all supermarkets? The company fiercely competed with other organic growers who later went out of business; its salad was grown organically but with industrial-scale agriculture; and the trucks that shipped the salad around the country burned through a lot of fossil fuel.

But Earthbound was competing with the likes of Dole, Fresh Express and ReadyPac in the mainstream market to offer consumers an organic choice. It did little for local food (a saving grace, since it left the market to smaller players). But Earthbound farmed on 26,000 acres of certified organic land, which meant that 267,000 pounds of pesticides and 8.4 million pounds of chemical fertilizers were being removed from use annually, the company estimated. And as studies repeatedly show, organic farming also saves energy (since the production of fertilizer and pesticides consumes one-third of the energy used in farming overall). Earthbound's accomplishments should not be ignored -- even if they are anything but local.

Which brings me to a final point: How we shop. Venues like Whole Foods are not fully organic because people are often unwilling to spend more than a small portion of their grocery budget on organic foods. It's too expensive. This is one reason why organic food accounts for just two percent of food sales -- one percent if you include eating out. Similarly, local foods, though important, total 1-2 percent. So arguing over local or organic is a bit like two people in a room of 100 fighting over who has the more righteous alternative to what the other 98 people are doing. It doesn't really matter, because the bigger issue is swaying the majority.

When I shop, visiting the Dupont Circle farmers market in Washington, D.C., on Sunday morning and then going to the supermarket, I make choices. I buy local, organic, and conventional foods too, because each meets a need. Is the local product "better" than the organic one? No. Both are good choices because they move the food market in a small way. In choosing them, I can insert my values into an equation that for too long has been determined only by volume, convenience and price. While I have nothing against low prices and convenient shopping, the blind pursuit of these two values can wreak a lot of damage -- damage that we ultimately pay for in water pollution, toxic pesticide exposure, livestock health, the quality of food and the loss of small farms. The total bill may not show up at the cash register but it's one we pay nonetheless.

So what's my advice? Think about what you're buying. If you want local food, buy local. If you want organic, buy organic. The point is to make a conscious choice, because as we insert our values into the market, businesses respond and things change. There's power in what we do collectively, so is there any reason to limit it unnecessarily?

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Lose Weight Fast - Lose Half Stone in a Week With a Healthy

A lot has been written about many diets, and many are fads. However, what you will see below is an effective, week diet to lose weight fast (up to half a stone in weight) in a healthy manner.

The rules

Are simple. You follow the diet as written.

No substitutions, no cheating, and no starting this diet wihout consulting your doctor first.

You will lose weight fast, and a lot of it, so make sure your body is ready for it.

There is nothing listed in the diet menus that cannot be found anywhere.

Use salt sparingly. During the week do not eat fats except as listed.

If there is a food you dislike, then this diet is not for you. No substitutions are allowed, but follow as written and you will lose weight fast and in a healthy manner

Three meals a day are allowed Breakfast, Lunch and dinner and they listed in that order below against each day.

SO here you go the lose weight fast diet follow it as written and watch the pounds fall off.


1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey Coffee or Tea

Sliced cold chicken. No skin. 1 tomato Water or diet drink

I can Tuna

Mixed Green salad no oil, or dressing

1 slice brown bread

1 piece of fruit in season


1 piece of fruit in season

1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Mixed Fresh Fruit Salad Water or diet drink

Grilled ground meat steak. 350 grams only

Tomato, cucumber and olives. No oil

Tea or Coffee


1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

1 can of Tuna fish1 grapefruit

Water of diet drink

Any Roast meat

Mixed Green Salad, no oil

1 tomato



1 piece of fruit in season

1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

2 hard boiled eggs

Cottage Cheese


I slice of brown bread

Water or diet drink

Boiled chicken (as much as you want)

Mixed Green Salad, no oil

Tea or coffee


1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Large bowl of cottage cheese

Green salad, no oil 1 slice of brown bread

Water or diet drink Grilled fish of any kind

Large mixed salad or vegetables

1 slice of brown bread



1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Large Mixed Fruit salad Water or diet drink

Oven roasted chicken Tomato salad with lettuce and fresh onion

1 grapefruit Coffee or Tea


1 piece of fruit in season

1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Sliced Cold Cuts

Mixed cooked vegetables

1 Grapefruit

Water or diet drink

2 hard boiled eggs

I slice of brown bread

Mixed salad no oil


Coffee or tea

Remember, no cheating. Drink also water in between meals if you are hungry. Drink water in any case, between meals. Eat early. Do not have your diner after 19:00 hours under any occasion.

You will lose weight fast where other diets have failed you in the past

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Lose Weight Rapidly with Diet Pills Therapy

What is obesity? Obesity is a state when you take in more calories than the calories burnt. It affects your body metabolism and results in the dissolution of fat in your body. Obesity comes with many other health-related problems like irregular blood pressure, pain in joints, and many more.

It is for sure that losing weight is not an easy task.
It is the demand of recent times to lose excess body weight at the earliest. Everyone strives hard not just to wipe out their excess body weight, but also to stay healthy

Though exercise is the best remedy for dissolving extra fat of your body, it is seen that only few of us are able to avail the benefits of exercise. It can be due to many reasons like inability to exercise, laziness, medical condition, and hectic schedules. Subsequently, diet pills therapy comes in to action by providing an easier method to shelve excess body weight. Diet pills therapy is like a boon for those people who don't want to spend most of their time in exercises.

Diet pills are an innovative way to remove extra pounds from your body. Diet pills work effectively by suppressing your appetite. You can lose your excess weight when you take these diet pills in combination with mild exercises and a balanced diet. It is required to say "NO" to all of the following things: -

•Fried Food
•Fat enriched stuff like butter
•Junk food like hotdogs, pizzas, and many more
•Milk shakes and cold drinks
•Unscheduled dietary habits

If you want to lose weight, it is important that you should set some goals. You can't lose weight significantly without goals. Diet pills play an important role in suppressing your appetite and in stimulating the metabolism of your body. A number of diet pills are available in the market to cure obesity as: -
•Xenical and many more

These diet pills should be taken before meals and with a glass full of water. Also, prior consultation should be taken before your go for diet pills therapy. It is to be noted that these diet pills should not be overdosed, as overdose of these pills may affect your health in an adverse manner. Few of the sober side effects of these diet pills are dizziness, insomnia, constipation, upset mouth, and dry mouth. These side effects will disappear within a few hours.

Diet pills therapy plays an important role in losing weight more rapidly. Diet pills are useful for all whether they are indulged in exercises or not. Phentermine is one of the established diet pills available in pharmaceutical market. You can buy phentermine online by just a single click of your computer mouse.

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Lycium Barbarum Plant

Wolfberry, the common name for Lycium barbarum, is grown all over the world and is sought after for its medicinal and health properties. The plant produces red colored berries that are oblong in shape and very tender. Because of this property, the berry needs to be handled very carefully while plucking and is shaken from the vine to prevent it from spoiling. The picked fruit is preserved by a process of slow drying in the shade.

About the plant

Lycium barbarum plant grows to a height of 2.5 to 4 m, and flowers in the months of June to August. It can grow in sandy and clay soils that are nutritionally poor, and can grow in semi shade or no shade at all.


Wolfberry has a history of several centuries of use in China, where it is highly regarded for its medicinal, healing, and health enhancement properties. Among other things, wolfberry has been credited with anti-ageing properties and enhancing longevity. As if to bear this out, people living in some parts of China, where the plant is extensively grown and used, do enjoy a very high life expectancy and good general health.

Medicinal Use

The bark of Lycium barbarum tree has been a favorite medicine with the Traditional Chinese system of medicine. It is claimed that Lycium barbarum barks contain several valuable and important properties and are useful in various treatments and health improvement programs. These include improvement of the immune system, improvement of the eyesight, protection of the liver, improved blood circulation and increased sperm production. It has been used in traditional medical systems as a sedative and painkiller and to treat inflammation, skin irritation, anemia, cough and nose bleeds. There are also studies that suggest that it could be useful in the treatment of cancer, although more clinical trials would be needed to establish this claim. Lycium barbarum barks can be eaten raw or taken as a juice or with tea. Wolfberry can be taken on daily basis for general health.

Culinary Use

Wolfberries taste like raisins with a slight suggection of tomatos. They can be eaten raw or could be cooked. The Chinese make soups out of this berry and also brew it into a wine. The leaves are also consumed as a vegetable.

Nutritional Value

Wolfberries are considered as one of the richest natural sources of nutrients. They contain beta-carotone, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 and B2, in addition to a number of other vitaamins, minerals, anitoxidants and amino acids.

Wolfberry contains most of the carrbohydrates,protein, fat and dietary fibers needed by the body. Hundred grams of the processed berry contains 370 calories.

Non medicinal uses

Lycium barbarum could also be used as a hedge and as a stabilizer for sandy banks since it has a good root system and grows on sandy soil.


There are no known major hazards associated with Lycium barbarum. However, it belongs to a family that is known to often contain toxins, and therefore, it is preferable to exercise caution in its consumption. The use of its leaves is quite widespread and well documented, and so may not pose much risk. The unripe fruit might be toxic. However, the ripe fruit seems to be fit for consumption. Although there are no known cases of allergy to wolfberries, it is better that you consult your doctor if you are prone to allergy or have reason to suspect that you might be allergic.

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Meals On a Budget

Trying to feed your family while on a tight budget can be a time-consuming and difficult task, but it doesn't have to be. Eating on the cheap doesn't mean giving up great taste or things that you love, it just means planning ahead and using what you have. With these simple tips you can feed your family well on less than forty dollars a week.

First, make a list of all the foods your family likes; include prepared dishes like macaroni and cheese as well as single items like ham. This will help you plan meals that incorporate several of the same ingredients without feeding your family the same dish over and over again. Add to the list things you'd like to try.

Next, make a list of what you actually have on-hand, and make sure you note what you've had forever that hasn't been eaten. If you have a lot of junk food, you have a lot of empty calories that aren't feeding your family very well and cost a lot of money. By noting what you have that hasn't been used, you know what to avoid (if it was something your family didn't like) or maybe you need to find a recipe that uses that item. For example, I had garbanzo beans that I had no idea what to do with. I found a simple recipe for hummus, a healthy middle-eastern dip that goes well with bread, crackers and even veggies, and my family loves it! I use it as a snack, or to serve with "salad" dinners on nights when it is too hot to cook.

This will help you begin to build a basic pantry, which can be a huge money-saving tool. I always have shredded cheese (cheddar and mozzarella) frozen in week-sized packages, rice, bacon bits (which you can home-make and freeze for later), ranch salad dressing, vinegar, cooking oil and basic spices (basil, garlic, thyme, rosemary, sage, cinnamon, chili powder and dried onion) and condiments (ketchup, mustard, vinegar, barbeque sauce and red cooking wine. You will want to build a basic pantry around things you eat often and learn how to incorporate those things into your weekly planning. Do this slowly, as you do not want to stress your budget. Many of these things can be bought in bulk and put into smaller packages or you can grow your own in a small garden or several pots on a patio.

Once you know what you already have, sit down with a calendar and see what kind of time you'll have to prepare your meals. In general, cooking things yourself will be less expensive than if you purchase pre-packaged items. It is possible to incorporate some items like these into your budget, or you can cook double amounts and freeze portions for quick, healthy home-cooked meals on a dime. Plan your meals according to the time you and your family will have. Include in this planning some time to make extras for days when time will be tight. My children eat cereal, oatmeal or eggs and toast for breakfast and drink milk (no juice!). For lunches we eat left-overs or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with seasonal fruit or carrots. Snacks are usually fruit, carrots or bread with peanut butter or goodies I've made myself. After dinner we like to have a treat of ice cream, so that is my family's splurge. You should make sure you plan a splurge into your menu.

When I plan, I start with the things I have on hand and build around those. I also noted that chicken was on sale at the local grocery store, so I bought a several pounds - again, some I will freeze and save, and the rest I will use this week. In the shopping list at the bottom, I've only noted the amount of chicken I used this week, not the total amount I purchased. I always try to take advantage of sales on meat.

To begin the week, I'll make simple grilled chicken either on the grill or in a cast-iron skillet on the stove. Season this with garlic, butter and basil, and serve with a side of rice and a simple tossed salad and some grapes. The salad will re-appear throughout the week, as will the grapes. I'll make spaghetti with meat sauce for Tuesday night. Using ¼ pound of hamburger I'll make my own sauce from tomato paste and any seasonable veggies in my garden. I'll serve the spaghetti with steamed broccoli and grapes or cantaloupe. While the sauce and noodles are cooking, I will assemble Wednesday night's dinner, as it is a late day for me. Using my broccoli, cauliflower, cheese, bacon bits, grapes, ranch dressing and left over chicken, I'll made a salad for the next night. The salad doesn't need to be served with anything, but you could serve bread and butter. Thursday night I'll make chicken cacciatore using more of the pasta sauce from Tuesday and the green pepper. Serve this over rice and with the tossed salad and whatever fruit you like. Friday night is another busy one, so we eat left-overs this night. Saturday we'll have the rest of the chicken over noodles in a sauce made of milk, flour, basil, garlic and butter with steamed broccoli. Sunday I'll use the rest of the hamburger to make a meatloaf topped with more of my sauce made on Monday.

Shopping List

3 pounds of chicken $6.44

1 small can of tomato paste $ .56

bag salad or lettuce $2.23

carrots $2.39

green pepper $ .75

red seedless grapes $1.46

cantaloupe $ .85

bananas $ .88

small head of broccoli $1.15

small head of cauliflower $1.23

1 pound hamburger (chuck) $2.76

milk (2 gallons) $5.14

wheat bread (2 loaves) $1.56

Cereal $2.35

Ice cream $4.67

Total $33.56

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Milk Can Sabotage Your Diet

The following is an excerpt from the book Eat Right for Your Metabolism
by Felicia Drury Kliment
Published by McGraw-Hill; April 2006;$16.95US/$22.95CAN; 0-07-146015-2
Copyright © 2006 Felicia Drury Kliment

Another food recommended for its nutritional advantages without consideration for the harm it can cause is milk. Dr. Duane Alexander, director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, is quoted as saying, "Without including milk in the diet, it is nearly impossible to meet calcium needs." Some medical authorities, concerned about the deficiency of calcium in the diets of young people, believe that drinking more milk is the solution. A national survey revealed that only 13.5 percent of girls and 35.3 percent of boys between the ages of twelve and nineteen consume the recommended amount of calcium for teenagers: 1,300 mg of calcium daily.

Teenagers may be short on calcium, but they need to satisfy their calcium requirements by eating calcium-rich foods rather than by drinking milk because milk puts them at risk for developing a serious, sometimes fatal health problem later on in life. Milk causes a spurt in growth by stimulating the release of the human growth hormone somatotropin. This increases the teenager's chance of getting cancer as an adult if his or her milk-drinking habit causes growth above a certain height. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and conducted at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the Harvard School of Public Health found that taller people in general were more likely to get both pancreatic and colon cancer. Dr. Dominique Michaud, an investigator at the National Cancer Institute, states that this increase in cancer risk is related to exposure to the growth hormone in milk during adolescence. (This is the growth hormone that occurs naturally in milk, not the hormone added by dairy farmers to increase cows' production of milk.)

With each generation in America and elsewhere growing taller than the previous one because of increased milk consumption, and therefore increasingly likely to get cancer -- as well as diabetes and calcium-hardened tissues -- it's time that the human body's calcium requirements were satisfied by eating foods that are high in calcium, such as yogurt, cheese, and root vegetables, rather than milk. (Yogurt and cheese, although made from milk, have been chemically altered by fermentation, so, unlike milk, they don't stimulate the release of somatotropin, the human growth hormone.)

Not only should teenagers avoid drinking milk because of the health risks involved when they become adults but also because the processed milk available in supermarkets today won't satisfy their calcium needs. Standard brands of milk produced by agribusinesses have been heated, for the purposes of extending their shelf life, to a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Pasteurization at such high heat destroys the acidity in milk; without it calcium can't be broken down, and undigested calcium can't be absorbed and utilized by the cells.

Drinking commercially pasteurized milk not only fails to satisfy the body's calcium requirements, but because undigested calcium particles are not assimilated, adults who drink as little as two glasses of milk a day risk a buildup of excessive levels of calcium in their bodies. Yet a recent revision in the guidelines of the U.S. government's Food Pyramid, published on April 20, 2005, in the New York Times, ignores this information by recommending three cups of milk for adults daily, one more cup than it recommends for children. In adults who drink milk every day, the calcium is apt to be deposited in the wrong places, for example, in the reproductive organs, in the bile duct, or in the ureters, the ducts that convey urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

The well-known downside of drinking milk is that it induces the mucus-secreting glands to overproduce. Excessive amounts of mucus cause unfriendly germs to multiply faster because it's a food they thrive on.

But far more dangerous to health than excess mucus is the elevation of blood insulin that the consumption of milk by adults causes. Excessive insulin in the blood makes glucose levels drop drastically. This gives rise to binge eating, which brings the blood sugar back up; however, because blood sugar goes too high, insulin again rises excessively and once again causes the blood sugar to plummet. These wild swings in blood sugar give rise to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and when the overproducing insulin glands stop working, the hypoglycemic individual becomes diabetic.

Elevated insulin levels have also been implicated in the development of cancer. Women with breast cancer who have high insulin levels are six times more likely to have a recurrence.

The deficiency of a nutrient in the body is not always the result of a diet that is lacking in that particular nutrient. Calcium deficiency is a case in point. The body can be deficient in calcium even though the diet meets the calcium requirements if the individual lacks vitamin D or the mineral boron. Both are necessary for the absorption and utilization of calcium.

Vitamin D is found only in the fat in meat, milk products, and seafood. The low-fat diet, by depriving the body of vitamin D, could be responsible for the widespread calcium deficiency in teenagers. In a study published in The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 24 percent of the 307 teenagers tested had a severe deficiency of vitamin D, and 42 percent were slightly deficient in the vitamin.

The only way to overcome nutrient deficiencies is to eat the foods that are indicated for your metabolic type. The metabolically appropriate diet is geared toward normalizing mineral levels in the body and providing the fats and oils needed to assimilate minerals. The danger to health caused by consuming large quantities of milk to overcome a calcium shortage make it clear that foods should not be evaluated solely on the basis of their nutrient values but also on what effect they have on long-term health.

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Myths About Drink

Before drinking, eat a full meal. A full stomach slows down the absorption of alcohol, giving the body more time to process the toxins. Foods high in fat content, like cheese, and carbohydrates will retard the absorption of alcohol. Having food in the stomach also decreases stomach irritation, in turn reducing the likelihood that a drinker will vomit.

Before drinking alcohol, drink a glass of water. This ensures the body is hydrated before the diuretic effect takes hold.

Also, drink a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage. In addition to helping keep a drinker hydrated, this will give the body more time to process the alcohol, dilute the toxins and reduce irritation of the stomach. A sports drink will also replenish electrolytes, salts and sugars lost in the urine.

Wine has a higher percentage of alcohol (7 to 15 percent) than beer (4 to 6 percent), but it is usually not carbonated. White wine is safer than red or blush because it has fewer congeners.

Wine is a mild natural tranquiliser, serving to reduce anxiety and tension. As part of a normal diet, wine provides the body with energy, with substances that aid digestion, and with small amounts of minerals and vitamins. It can also stimulate the appetite. In addition, wine serves to restore nutritional balance, relieve tension, sedate and act as a mild euphoric agent to the convalescent and especially the aged.

The use of standard drinks can help people to monitor their alcohol consumption and exercise control over the amount they drink.

Different types of alcoholic drinks contain different amounts of pure alcohol. A standard drink is defined as one that contains 10 grams of pure alcohol. A standard drink for table wine (12%) is 1 small glass of 100ml. Large wine glasses can hold two standard drinks or even more!

The remedy known as 'a hair of the dog' that is, having a drink or two the following morning - is time-honoured. It works up to a point, but only temporarily. The hangover will return when the effects of the drink wear off; it simply prolongs the discomfort. Some people recommend a variety of vitamins, and herbal preparations but there's no scientific evidence they work.

An effective treatment is physical exercise such as swimming, running or a workout at the gym. This releases endorphins which remove the feeling of a hangover.

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Natural Weight Loss Products, Can you Believe

Experts estimate that millions of Americans are either overweight or obese. There is simply too much temptation wherever you turn. There are bakeries that offer luscious treats in every city and town across america.

For people who are trying to losing weight these establishments are torture, losing weight in not only good for their self-esteem, it is will also help with many health issues.

People who have tried the weight loss programs and failed, are now turning to Natural weight loss products for relief.

Natural weight loss is the process of loosing weight without any diet pills, or any other chemical aide.

As with any other diet program, consulting a physician before starting is absolutely necessary. Not only will a physician clear you of any possible health problems, but also he or she can create a Natural weight loss routine of diet and exercise routine that will best suit your needs.

Another option that you have is to consult with a nutrition and fitness expert for your Natural weight loss needs. They are specially trained in the field of Natural weight loss and can design a plan that is right for you.

With a Natural weight loss plan, it will take longer for the weight to come off. This is because you are not only changing your dietary habits, but also making lifestyle changes.

Weight loss products are designed for quick weight reduction. When you have achieved the weight goal, you stop taking the product. Most of the time, the weight returns and then some.

With a Natural weight loss plan, the weight comes off slowly and stays off. This is because with a Natural weight loss diet plan, you are not only controlling your diet, but you are using a exercise routing as well.

When you choose to use a Natural weight loss diet plan, you are choosing to effect lifestyle changes and modifications that will
assist you in achieving the goals that you set for yourself. The Natural weight loss is permanent. The weight loss will stay with you
as long as you follow Natural weight loss plan.

An exercise routine is also a very important part of Natural weight loss, going to the gym or fitness center has become an everyday routine for millions of Americans. With Natural weight loss, exercise will be the key factor in how much weight you lose.

Because you are on a Natural weight loss plan, you have to exercise.Going for a walk after dinner is cardiovascular exercise and is great for burning the calories and fat from dinner.

Natural weight loss takes into consideration everything you do during the day and can incorporate it into a healthier lifestyle.
Dieting is a short-term solution to weight loss.

Natural weight loss is the most recommended form of weight loss. It is a healthier more stable form of weight loss and it is permanent. It is agreed that is takes longer, but some feel that it is worth sticking with a Natural weight loss because the results will not disappoint you.

If you looking for the right weight loss product to help you in your natural weight loss program, please visit, they have a large selection of the top nutritional products on the market.

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New Herbal Nutritional Supplements for Weight Loss!

Weight loss if difficult. There is no disputing that fact.
There are thousands of methods of weight loss that claim to be the most effective on the market.

Everywhere you turn, everything you read, and everything you watch has an ad for some type of weight loss program, product or exercise equipment that will assist you in meeting your weight loss goals.

There are diet pill and diet supplement, but you have to know your body type and fat ratio. There are meal and meal replacement shakes and products, but those can be very expensive and the meals are usually high in sodium and preservatives. It is all to confusing. For some they just give up. It is just too difficult to try and understand.

There are some people who want to lose weight, but do not want to take chemicals to achieve their weight loss goals. They are afraid of the side effects that come with some of them.

For them, there is an answer. Herbal nutritional weight loss supplements. Herbal weight loss is a method to lose weight using a combination of herbs and botanicals grown around the world.

Throughout the centuries certain combination of herbs have proved to have the qualities that assist in weight loss. As with any weight loss program, it is recommended that you consult a physician before starting any weight loss program.

There are herbal weight loss nutritional supplements on the market today that naturally suppress hunger and cravings for all the foods that have made some people gain weight.

One herb that is contained in some herbal weight loss supplements is Bitter orange. When used as an herbal weight loss agent, bitter orange can speed up the metabolism to help burn calories faster. People who have a slow metabolism use this. Only the skin of the bitter orange is used as an herbal weight loss remedy.

Researchers are studying the herbal weight loss benefits to capsaicin the heat ingredient found in cayenne pepper. Capsaicin increases the heat in a body thereby speeding up the metabolism and burning more fat and calories.

Green tea is another herb that is used in herbal weight loss. It is A natural stimulant and works like caffeine. There are hundreds possibly thousands of herbs and botanicals that are used in herbal weight loss.

Another herbal weight loss product is ephedra. In recent years, ephedra has caused a lot of controversy. It was taken from the market after being banned by the Food and Drug Administration citing that it was dangerous, and could be responsible for many deaths across the United States.

By doing a simple google search, you will find millions of sites dedicated to herbal weight loss. In these sites, you will find testimonials of actual people who have achieved and maintained weight loss using herbal weight loss methods. One of the best sites to use as a resource is 4 star nutrition. They only carry 4 star products and have real information and reviews to help you in your buying decision.

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Growing awareness about the need for a balanced diet, and the fast pace of today's life have created an urgent need for a diet supplement that would take care of the requirement. Enter the Nutrilite range of products. Designed to ensure that you get a completely balanced diet, Nutrilite products contain the goodness of plant ingredients and the nourishment of selected minerals and vitamins that are necessary for your health. Catering to the needs of various target groups, Nutrilite supplements are available as essentials, Targeted formulas, Weight Management and Children's supplements.

As a concept, Nutrilite dates back to the 1930s, when it was first established as a group of nutritional products that use plant and plant concentrates to produce nutritional supplements and weight loss products. The Nutrilite brand has over 200 nutrition products sold all over the world. It has won wide recognition as an outstanding brand of health foods.

Nutrilite's greatest advantages springs from the fact that it is based on natural products. Nutrilite is also claimed to represent a healthy way of life. What's more, the product range is wide enough to cover a variety of needs and target groups. Nutrilite depends on its own vast farms for the procurement of the plants that form its raw material and uses technology to dehydrate and process the farm products. Research and innovation keep the product range growing. Clinical research programs ensure that the products are scientifically tested and capable of delivering desired results. Measurement and blending of the ingredients are done with scientific precision in the manufacturing facility.

The Nutrilite essentials include a number of products aimed at providing you with the required nutrients by filling in the gaps in your diet. Nutrilite DOUBLE XTM contains a balanced mix of plant nutrients and vitamins and minerals. The typical western diet is short of essential nutrients, which are to be found more in fruits and vegetables. DOUBLE XTM was observed to boost the levels of these nutrients significantly, within a period of six weeks of regular use.

Nutrilite Daily is a multi-vitamin multi-mineral product that acts as an adult food supplement. Nutrilite concentrated fruits and vegetables, provides the equivalent of generous servings of fruits in one stroke. Nutrilite Omega 3 takes care of your diet balance particularly of two types of fatty acids.

Nutrilite Targeted formulas offer the solutions to problems in specific areas of the body created by the aging process or lifestyle. These supplements are the result of constant understanding of current research and the formulation of the supplements from carefully selected herbs and other ingredients.

Nutrilite's weight management products include a range of food bars, drinks and food supplements. These are specially designed to aid in weight loss programs and provide delicious alternatives to high calorie junk foods and meals. With a good program of exercise and normal diet control, Nutrilite's products should help you in managing your weight more effectively and painlessly.

Children are in a growing stage in life and have special requirements to support that growth to ensure healthy adult life later. Nutrilite's Children's supplements address this vital area through a range of child supplement products.

The Nutrilite range of products is manufactured by the Access Business Group in California. It is sold exclusively by Quixtar through its network of affiliates known as Independent Business Owners, and renowned MLM Company Amway. Amway has been a co-promoter of the brand and has promoted the concept through campaigns, commercials, and documentary films.

The Nutrilite brand has had a very good reception with consumers with nearly eighty percent having rated the products that they have used as extremely or very satisfactory in a year 2004 survey. One of the main factors in the rating was the effectiveness as perceived by the consumers.

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Nutritional guidelines

There are guidelines that have been set done for people to follow so that they can have a balanced diet and ensure that their bodies have enough nutrients every day. There are many people who feel that they are unable to follow these guidelines since they have fast paced lives and simply don't have the time to sit down and create food that has sufficient portions of fruits and vegetables. This leads to these guidelines being disregarded and ever greater numbers of people suffering from malnutrition although few of those people realize that they are suffering from it. There are appliances that are capable of helping to stem this increasing tide of malnourished people. They are juicers that can process fruits and vegetables of any description or indeed any fresh produce so that you can have access to the juice that is created.

This juice can help to contribute towards the total amount of fresh fruits and vegetables that you consume each day. Since drinking fresh juice can be equivalent to eating a far larger amount of the whole produce it can help to greatly reduce the amount of time that is needed to create the equivalent amount of food that contains the same amount of nutrients. The type of juicer that you acquire can have an impact on the juice that you can create in your home since the functions that it can perform can be affected by its construction. This means that your requirements will be one of the greatest factors in determining which of the available products will provide you with the greatest benefits. Your tastes will also determine the taste of the juice that you drink and its nutritional content as well as which type of juicing product you are likely to get the most frequent use of. The use of a juicer can help to save a large amount of time that would usually be lost to the preparation of dishes with fruits and vegetables in them.

The consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in their raw state can increase the amount of nutrients that you can receive as a result. The juice that you create can differ greatly from day to day and this allows your body the opportunity to gain access to a variety of different nutrients. Constantly varying the nutrients that the body receives through varying the produce that the juice is made from can ensure that no essential trace nutrients are overlooked. This can help to increase the health of the body and help to ensure that there is no degradation in the performance of the organs or the systems within the body. The variation also ensures that you do not get bored with the same tastes over and over again which can lead to a reduction in the use of your juicer and a lapse into a far less healthy lifestyle. This can lead to a point where a person can again become malnourished even though they eat sufficient amount of food every day.

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Nutritional guidelines

There are guidelines that have been set done for people to follow so that they can have a balanced diet and ensure that their bodies have enough nutrients every day. There are many people who feel that they are unable to follow these guidelines since they have fast paced lives and simply don't have the time to sit down and create food that has sufficient portions of fruits and vegetables. This leads to these guidelines being disregarded and ever greater numbers of people suffering from malnutrition although few of those people realize that they are suffering from it. There are appliances that are capable of helping to stem this increasing tide of malnourished people. They are juicers that can process fruits and vegetables of any description or indeed any fresh produce so that you can have access to the juice that is created.

This juice can help to contribute towards the total amount of fresh fruits and vegetables that you consume each day. Since drinking fresh juice can be equivalent to eating a far larger amount of the whole produce it can help to greatly reduce the amount of time that is needed to create the equivalent amount of food that contains the same amount of nutrients. The type of juicer that you acquire can have an impact on the juice that you can create in your home since the functions that it can perform can be affected by its construction. This means that your requirements will be one of the greatest factors in determining which of the available products will provide you with the greatest benefits. Your tastes will also determine the taste of the juice that you drink and its nutritional content as well as which type of juicing product you are likely to get the most frequent use of. The use of a juicer can help to save a large amount of time that would usually be lost to the preparation of dishes with fruits and vegetables in them.

The consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in their raw state can increase the amount of nutrients that you can receive as a result. The juice that you create can differ greatly from day to day and this allows your body the opportunity to gain access to a variety of different nutrients. Constantly varying the nutrients that the body receives through varying the produce that the juice is made from can ensure that no essential trace nutrients are overlooked. This can help to increase the health of the body and help to ensure that there is no degradation in the performance of the organs or the systems within the body. The variation also ensures that you do not get bored with the same tastes over and over again which can lead to a reduction in the use of your juicer and a lapse into a far less healthy lifestyle. This can lead to a point where a person can again become malnourished even though they eat sufficient amount of food every day.

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Olive Oil A Weight Loss Blessing

The following is an excerpt from the book The Sonoma Diet
by Dr. Connie Guttersen, R.D., Ph.D.
Published by Meredith Books; December 2005;$24.95US/$34.95CAN; 0-69622-831-9
Copyright © 2006 Dr. Connie Guttersen, R.D., Ph.D.

In Sonoma County each year, there's a special festival called the Blessing of the Olives. That's how central olive trees and the foods they yield are to the economy and the eating habits of the region.

Olive oil, the most treasured gift of these blessed trees, is just as central to The Sonoma Diet. There's probably no food choice you'll make that does more for your health and weight loss efforts than olive oil.

Which is good news for your taste buds, because no other vegetable oil comes close to olive oil's rich and pleasing flavor. It's at the heart of Mediterranean cuisine's appeal. A dish prepared with olive oil almost seems to announce to anyone who smells or tastes it, "I'm special."

Healthy Fat
The research is clear as can be that a major reason for southern Europeans' low rate of heart disease is their liberal use of olive oil as their main source of dietary fat. By adopting olive oil in the same way, you'll get the same benefits. And because you'll learn to enjoy olive oil in healthy amounts in place of the harmful fats you may be used to, you will lose weight.

To appreciate olive oil as a power food, banish from your mind the notion that it's the "least bad" fat. It is a heart-healthy food that is good for you. You need dietary fat to lose weight, but you need the right kind. Olive oil is one of the best. Choose extra-virgin olive oil and you'll also enhance the flavors of your food.

Put simply, the kind of fat that olive oil is mostly made of (monounsaturated fat) actually lowers your levels of the bad LDL cholesterol as well as blood fats called triglycerides. The fats you'll be avoiding (saturated fat) raise those levels. That right there qualifies olive oil as a power food par excellence.

A Wealth of Antioxidants
But there's more. Unique among vegetable oils, olive oil -- particularly extra-virgin olive oil -- is rich in the same family of antioxidant phytonutrients that make all the other power foods on the Top Ten list so effective in preventing heart disease. The same phenols that make olive oil taste so good also make up its main category of antioxidants. Olive oil also contains carotenoids (like beta-carotene) and vitamin E.

In addition, olive oil reduces two other heart disease risks -- high blood pressure and inflammation.

There's Fat and Then There's Fat

As the title tells us, not all fats were created alike. There are three naturally occurring types of fat: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated, as well as one manufactured fat, known as hydrogenated oil (commonly referred to as trans fat).

The majority of the types of fat you should eat come mostly from plant oils. The healthiest are led by monounsaturated fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, canola oil, and avocados. Other healthy oils are found in the polyunsaturated category, such as grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, and the omega-3 oils found in some cold-water fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

The kind of fat you must limit eating is the saturated fat found mostly in animal foods such as meats and dairy products, as well as those found in palm and coconut oils. This does not mean you can't eat meat or dairy. You can. But it does mean that you must seek the lean or nonfat versions of meat or dairy foods.

You can recognize saturated fat because it's solid at room temperature or lower -- the white rimming a steak, the marble in prime rib, the chicken fat that skims a soup in the fridge, a stick of butter. Its primary sin is raising the levels of bad LDL cholesterol in your arteries, inviting heart disease. In fact, saturated fat ups your blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol itself. Hydrogenated oils should be avoided because they have far worse effects on your health and heart than saturated fats.

Copyright © 2006 Dr. Connie Guttersen, R.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Connie Guttersen, R.D., Ph.D., a leading nutrition expert, has devoted her career to developing flavorful approaches to healthy eating and weight reduction.

A registered dietitian, culinary professional, and nutrition consultant to the world-famous Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, Dr. Guttersen delivers key nutrition messages to the food industry, media, and health professionals by bringing together the art and science of food. She has focused extensively on the health benefits of diets inspired by Mediterranean and other regional cuisines.

Dr. Guttersen's many accomplishments include developing the standards of care for a medical obesity treatment center in Bellevue, Washington, as well as serving as a nutrition consultant for a broad range of companies including Kraft, Nestle, Sodexho Marriott, Radisson Hotels, Hyatt Classic Residences, and Panera Bread.

Dr. Guttersen lives in the beautiful wine country of northern California with her husband and two children.

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